2 offers on diff hse's.


Registered User
Hi im sorry if this has been asked before but

I found a hse I liked and put an offer on it last week (10k below asking price). I didnt hear anything about it and I heard they were showing the hse again last sat. I have a voicemail today asking me to contact EA to discuss offer but the thing is I now have my eye on another hse which Im going to see again tomorrow and Im thinking of making a similar offer.

Am I tied to the first offer? What if I prefer the 2nd hse (pro's & cons to both but I think the 2nd one would need less wrk however my offer would be nearly 30k under the asking price of 2nd hse. Id be prefered to go another 10/15k for it though. They are with different estate agents.

Any advice about how I can drag out the 1st offer while I make a 2nd one? Or am I tied to the orginal offer on the first hse?
You can do anything you want. Nothing is binding until you sign contracts. You can bid on 1000's of houses.

Thanks MF1
Ive just rang him and Ive spoken to the girl inthe office and they want to accept the offer!
What do I do, im made up some excuse and said id ring them back this afternoon. How can I hold off until say friday, I dont want to tell them Im bidding on another hse in case I want this one?

You have nothing to be ashamed of. They waited for a week to come back to you.................tell them you need a few days to consider your position. It is ok for you to be looking at other properties.....after all, they were showing to other buyers!

Hang in there and good luck with it


Come on, that doesn't take a huge amount of thought. Something along the lines of:
  • leave it with me for a few days so I can make sure it's definitely what I'm looking for.
  • leave it with me while I discuss it with other half (if appropriate)
  • leave it with me while I confirm with the bank that mortgage offer is still valid given recent rules changes
Just don't set a specific date/time to come back. Leave it open
Just be honest.

Tell them you had two offers accepted at the same time.

Tell them that while they were trying to flog the house to other potential buyers you have found another one you are very interested in.

Make an offer on the other one.

Then haggle both ends and see which one will offer you a better deal.

Do you really think this is any different to what would be happening in reverse if the agent had been successful with those additional viewings??

We agree at last! Except OP will only be half honest if he follows your advice, being that a second offer hasn't been accepted.

OP there is no need to hide any facts from the EA, they are going to deal with you if you want to deal with them, they won't have any complaints about you looking at other houses, its all part and parcel of the property buying process.

Do what this guys says.... its a buyers market.... put offers on both and haggle downwards... without any shame... its your money!

I misread the post, mistakenly thought the OP had received a reply. But the same applies.

Talk to the second agent, let them know you need a rapid yay or nay on the offer and then go from there.
thanks guys

Ive put an offer on the second house so Im just waiting to hear back. Fingers crossed
Back in February I told the agent I was about to put an offer on another house (while having a bid on their house). She rang me back and agreed to go sale agreed there and then with my offer. House was only on the market a week with the sign up only 3 days. Really is a buyers market!

An EA's are the devious ones! It really is dog eat dog