2 government jets used to fly to same location on same day - each half empty


Registered User
I read with interest and a bit of " have they no shame" about 2 government ministers flying to brussels on the same day using the 2 government jets not even half full. This happened this year. I am going to find it very difficult to believe a word either of these two say from here on in. The trips happened this year and we then ask the very least well off ie the minimum wage to take a cut.

The hypocrisy is .... awesome.

My last rant for 2010.

Why bother?

This will just go on and on for the rest of our lifetimes.
When the current government are ousted, we'll just get more of the same.

Why even bother posting this? It'll be gone in a few weeks.
Do you have any more information on this? I've tried googling for this story, but I can't find it.
Do you have any more information on this? I've tried googling for this story, but I can't find it.
There's plenty of more stories like it out there. Same idea - corruption, greed, incompetence and/or waste.
You can use your imagination to create your own stories, and they'll probably be true. Eg, Minister spends €1000 on champagne and lobster poverty junket in California. Or FÁS wasted so much money on 2009 that Ireland has run out of bank notes. Or Another 5 billion pumped into failed bank worth 7c.
It's slightly off topic but one thing I learnt in the week before Christmas (and that I never knew before) is that the Govt Jets are fully equipped air ambulances. One of them is going to be used to bring an Irish person seriously ill back from Vietnam and both were I believe used over the Xmas period to fly seriously ill children/babies to Great Ormond Street in London. Something people should bear in mind when they call for them to be scrapped

False arguement. If we need and can afford an air ambulance, great we should have one. But we don't, we have two jets that we cant afford, that might be able to be used an an air ambulance but only if it is the right place at the right time.

This is the only useful thing that the Government jets do, but they are not there to provide this service and they can only provide when they are waiting in Dublin airport.
As their primary role is to ferry our Government ministers to meetings and football matches, how often does a seriously ill child need an air ambulance and the Government jet is already somewhere else.

It was announced in the Budget that one is being sold and the other one will not be replaced, about time too.
The government jets, should be made permanently into air ambulances, and only used for this purpose.
It would be a disgrace if some politician is using the jet, if it is needed as an ambulance.
Ah c'mon now, Biffo get's paid more than the POTUS, and he has Air Force One. Shouldn't the Taoiseach at least get a LearJet ? Our CEO does!