2 different coloured paints on used car!


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We just bought a used car (2005) from a dealer with 1 year's warranty. We viewed it twice but did not spot it until we brought the car home today. The car's colour is some sort of metallic green but just noticed that there is a part of the car close to the back door and the boot that is metallic silver! Also, on another door, there is a sticker that is in the original colour of the car but is peelable and when I put my finger on, I can feel a depression/dent under it! What the **£*$&^£*$! I am really annoyed that we did not spot it before we bought it. Can we return the car? Or just get them to get the problems sorted? Thanks.
in my opinion you should be able to get your money back as long as it was not a private sale. you can get a mobile mechanic to come out and assess it for you for 100e or less and in my experience it is worth the money,was nearly going to buy a car myself from an auction and the guy i got saved me a lot of bother and money!