2 cars in 12 months

Liar's Poker

Registered User
My job will bring be to Belfast for 12/13 months and i am thinking of buying a car or two while i am up there. I can't find any guidelines on whether I can do the following;
Buy a car keep it for six months, bring it down south and save on VRT. Then give it to my brother. Repeat the process the following six months. I suppose my question is whether you can avail of the VRT exemption when importing this way or whether the exemption is applicable only when you change residency.
my understandin is that to qualify for the exemption you need to be able to prove that you were out of the state for 1 full year. I could be wrong though. This proof normally takes the form of bank statements / esb bils etc.
You have to retain ownership of the car for 12 mths after you import it and you cannot import another car vrt free for another five years as far as I know.