1916 Rising commerations


Registered User
Right I've 2 things on this that bug me.
1, Why is is commemorated at 'Easter' instead of the actual date ? I relaise this year is practically the same as 1916, but still.

2. The Shinners are still living in 1916, if anyone cares. Padraig MacLochlainn came out with this doozy
the period between now and the 100th anniversary in five years time should be marked with a new push towards unity....at present, the vision of the patriots of 1916 is not being realised……
What does the word 'progress' mean again ?
Do these words not semi-condone the Ronan Kerr murder and the re-emergence of active paramilitary Republicans ?

3. Much an all as I'm proud of what the people of that era (Freedom fighters then, terrorists now) fought for and achieved, I feel that nowadays, to utter such things is tantamount to being an IRA sympathiser.

4. In the modern world, there are no such thing as nations (unless the nations are huge and powerful like US, Russia, China), just countries. If Ireland is ever re-united (doubtful) what difference does it make ? Likewise an independent Scotland, Euskadi, Catalunya etc. 'Fighting for a united Ireland' (ie, killing innocent people) is an inherently lost cause. We haven't been independent in years. Lines on a map mean nowt in reality.

I don't see anything proposing anything suggesting violence in that statement.

If had been FF , FG or Labour TD had said it , would you think it was supporting murder ?