Current situation.
Apartment 0we 290k
Value 150ish k
-140k Neqitive equity
Tracker 1.5%
repayments 1000 a month
29 years left.
Rented out at 1200 a month.
Looking for 240k with 60k deposit.
2 salaries equal 95k basic with 10k bonus/OT
Just married
2 kids.
No loans.
Broker has said PTSB will have a look at my case but wondering if I would qualify and any tips before I go in to them. If im refused we are stuck in apartment for 10years then if I sell I will break even and will then require 20% for a house worth 500k at this stage over 20 years which I think is a really dumb move to do. I was living in rented accomadation with my place rented out but landlord has told us they are selling and we need to move out. Rent is through the roof and don't want kids moving house to house so only option is to buy and keep apartment.
Current situation.
Apartment 0we 290k
Value 150ish k
-140k Neqitive equity
Tracker 1.5%
repayments 1000 a month
29 years left.
Rented out at 1200 a month.
Looking for 240k with 60k deposit.
2 salaries equal 95k basic with 10k bonus/OT
Just married
2 kids.
No loans.
Broker has said PTSB will have a look at my case but wondering if I would qualify and any tips before I go in to them. If im refused we are stuck in apartment for 10years then if I sell I will break even and will then require 20% for a house worth 500k at this stage over 20 years which I think is a really dumb move to do. I was living in rented accomadation with my place rented out but landlord has told us they are selling and we need to move out. Rent is through the roof and don't want kids moving house to house so only option is to buy and keep apartment.