14 days travelling italy

Jolly Man

Registered User
Hi guys would appreciate any advice putting an itenary together for a cheap 14 night holiday in italy, flying to london staying over night then heading for rome ryanair flights, have 14 nights in italy and i have so far broken it down into 3 nights rome in a campsite, 1 night sorrento camping again, 2 nights tuscany private room in a hostel, 2 nights milan in a B+B, 4 nights lake garda 3star hotel(splashing out a little) and 2 nights venice 3 star hotel. Flying home again from Venice. Accomodation for two €948 altogether car hire 11 days €268! Flights €320, are we trying to pack too much in or is this achievable going the first two weeks of august. Anybody recommend places not to miss/avoid? €1,536 total cost?
sounds good and like something I'd like to do. Just be prepared as everything seems to shut down in Rome in August.
Ya i have heard that alright and the weather gets very hot, and the coast roads are crazy with traffic with the locals all moving out!
Your proposed itinery has a lot of stop-offs for a two week stint, particularly when you have the hassle of connecting flights. Seems a little bit ambitious.

It's a long way from Rome to Sorrento for a single night, particularly if you're driving to Tuscany the next day.

Sorrento as a location is beautiful, but it's being ruined. You won't get a very Italian "feel" and most of the people you'll come into conatct with will be UK or US tourists. Positano (also on the Amalfi coast) is IMHO a much more attractive town.

I find the drive from Tuscany northwards particulalarly tiring. Although you're technically on motorway, the road winds so much to get through the mountains, it requires high levels of concentration.

Not sure when you're going but would agree that Rome in August might be a bit uncoftable, certainly in terms of the heat. That's when the natives bail out in desperation en masse so that should tell you something.

Bottom line though is that it's a beautiful country and you won't go too far wrong regardless of where you end up. Have a good trip.
Thanks for the reply staples, will check out that other town.

Rome to Sorrento 269Kms 3hrs 5Mins
Sorrento to Tuscany 364kms 4hrs 19Mins
Tuscany to Milan 535 Kms 5hrs 50Mins:eek:
Milan to Lake Garda 134 Kms 1hr 36Mins
Lake Garda too Venice 182 Kms 2Hrs 3Mins

A bit of driving but i think it should make for a good trip, have rented a Fiat Panda hope it makes the trip!!!!!
May I ask what part of Tuscany you're thinking of?

I drove from to Rome to Sorrento once and got lost. I'd be embarrased to tell you how long it took other than to say it was considerably longer than your three hours!!!!! No Sat Nav in those days unfortunately!
I would cancel the car rental, and travel by train (possibly overnight to Milan). If you are staying within Venice, you'll have to park the car and carry your stuff anyway. The train network is much better than ours, and would avoid the sorts of problems Staples alludes to :)
I am just back from Italy. We were there for 10 days. We drove from Venice to Rome, taking in Verona, Garda, Florence and Pisa. We also hired a Panda, but they were out of them when we got there so were upgraded to a Focus. Lucky break - as there is a lot of driving involved. Air con is a must. The train might be a better way as you pay for car parking everwhere. €20 per night in Venice, €30 in Rome.

Ps. I was too hot for me there - 3 weeks ago. Cant imagine what it will be like in August.

PPs. If you are driving take a SAT NAV device with you. I bought a yoke for €250 and it was worth every penny. You will have enough to do concentration on driving on the wrong side of the car + road. My wife - who is a techno-phobe even agreed that it was worth it.
Don't even think of getting a hire car unless it has air con! Most do in Italy these days. Panda's suprisingly good on motorways, and a great help in zipping round the towns (narrow streets etc.).

It might be worth considering dropping the Sorento/Naples leg of the trip, and concentrate on Rome/Tuscany/Lakes/Venice. These are all in the northern half of the country (which is big!), and would cut down on some of the travelling. There's more than enough to do and visit with those four without adding the fifth (there's always next year!).

By the way, I've been in all the places you mentioned (apart from Venice): all well worth visiting.
Would agree with the idea of ditching the car in favour of trains. It's easy enough hire a car fom the major train stations for a day or two if you want to go somewhere remote.

Would also agree that Venice in high season is not a good idea. It's hot, sticky, smelly and packed. Much more atmospheric in winter when flights and hotels are much cheaper.
Did a shorter Italy trip a few years ago (just Rome, Milan, Florence). Found the train system easy to use and had no hassle getting around on it, definitely would use it again. Wouldn't go back to Milan though. Didn't have a bad stay or anything just wasn't terribly impressed with the place. I think unless you are something of a soccer, Formula 1, shopping or opera fiend it doesn't really appeal. I was there a few days so maybe it was just too much time there. Loved Florence though.
I've been to all the places mentioned also & all well worth seeing.
Like previous poster I would scrap the idea of going to Sorrento. It's a long way down for 1 night. We also got lost & that was just getting out of Rome from Ciampino !
Roads down on the Amalfi coast bring you to a snails pace.
We stayed in Minori which is much nicer than Sorrento & populated by Italians instead of tourists. The drive there from the Naples bypass took us nearly 2 hours as on the coast road you seldom get over 2nd gear.
Also it's going to be hotter down south, which in August is worth remembering.
Have a wonderful trip.
Thanks for all the advice guys its a great help to get some real feedback and all opionions seem to be the same. I think we are still going to hire the car but only when leaving rome and handing back on arrival in venice so we have three carless days in rome and two carless days in venice. Miss jollyman has her heart set on the amalfi coast capri bay, pompeii and Mt Vesvus so we are now going to stay in sorrento for two nights stay a night longer at the lakes and cancel Milan.
Just back from my annual trip to Italy I do alot of travelling and always use the train I get to go to the smallest villages by the train (get off the beaten path for a while and get to know the real Italy) I hire a car while in America as its the only way to get around but that is not true of Italy. No hassle of traffic or mad Italian drivers I noted this year they have alot more new trains with great airconditioning as the temps were up in the 40's and the trains are nearly always on time now. Italians are off on their annual holidays from next week so alot of places will be closed. Hope u enjoy it as I always do.
Miss jollyman has her heart set on the amalfi coast capri bay, pompeii and Mt Vesvus
It is very hot around there this time of year (as noted above) and there is bugger all shade in Pompeii. Make sure you bring a hat with a brim. The last tiem I was there I saw a man being carted off by medics with sun stroke.