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Has anyone insured with 123.ie?,how do you rate them?,any feedback
will be appreciated.Currently with Hibernian for car and house insurance
but considering a change.
It should be noted that 123.ie are a broker so in theory you could still end up insured by Hibernian, even though you go through 123.ie to purchase.
If Ferguson is right , it means you probably pay more by insuring with 123.ie . So its best to stick with Hibernian or Quinn Direct , however always get quote from a broker who has access to a multiude of insurance companies .
If Ferguson is right , it means you probably pay more by insuring with 123.ie . So its best to stick with Hibernian or Quinn Direct , however always get quote from a broker who has access to a multiude of insurance companies .

123.ie is definitely a broker, not an insurer. Best to check 123.ie and also call the primary insurers directly to compare quotes.

If Ferguson is right , it means you probably pay more by insuring with 123.ie . So its best to stick with Hibernian or Quinn Direct , however always get quote from a broker who has access to a multiude of insurance companies .

On general insurance, some bigger brokers negotiate preferential rates with insurers that are not available through other channels.
You always have to shop around each year with 123. When renewing my car insurance, dispite sending me a letter stating that they had gotten the best deal for me. I re-entered my details on their system and got a much better quote, on phoning them up to complain I got an even better price. Abount €200 better then my origional renewal!
You always have to shop around each year with 123.

You have to shop around each year with every broker and direct insurer imo. which, partially at least, defeats the purpose of having a broker in the first place!
I have just switched from a direct insurer (€957 qoute) to a broker ($535 quote!

From my experience I will probably switch back again next year.

Why do companies operate this way? Surely there must be an advantage in keeping your customer? (Less spend on advertising etc.)
Might be slightly OT, but I switched from 123.ie two years ago when the premiums began to creep up and they sent me a renewal notice with the reg no of a car I had sold!

There is a strange phenomenon in the insurance market at the moment whereby insurers sell differently underwritten products through different brokers.

Brokers may appear to "compete" for your business from an insurer, the reality is they operate with different T&C's, exclusions, add-ins and deductibles.

As an example, my quotes with 11 years NCB, comprehensive cover, for my next renewal, from the same insurer are :

Broker A - €286 incl. windscreen cover, Step-back bonus protection
Broker B - €328 excl. windscreen cover, Full Bonus Protection
(reduced to €300 incl. windscreen cover & Full Bonus Protection when I gave them the quote from Broker A above.)
Broker C - €356 incl. windscreen cover, Full Bonus Protection

My current direct insurer was €615 for the same cover.

One major issue, when completing a proposal form, not all of the T&C's will be listed. Most insurers / brokers won't give you these until after the proposal is accepted and your premium is paid (one exception is Quinn Direct who sent me the Booklet with the proposal form).

Some brokers / insurers won't send out proposal forms and one insurer when they heard I'd had quotes from some of their brokers, refused me a quote (appropriate action taken by me).

IME, other insurance products have the same problems from a consumer's perspective, in that the brokers or companies won't allow a situation where we can compare "like-for-like".
Shop around is my advice - 123 renewal this year for house insurance was 20% higher than last year. Phoned and got a much lower quote from Quinn. Then 123 ring me to see why I was not renewing and when I tell them the Quinn quote I got a much improved quote !!! What chancers!
I've had car insurance for the past 11/12 years and i think I only kept the same insurer for 2 conecutive years. You need to shop around each year. I told my sister about 123 last week and she got a quote of them. The quote she got of them was €350 ish, Axa had quoted her €800 ish for similar policy! If I hadn't suggested she shop around she would have lost a considerable amount.
All 123.ie house insurance business is currently underwritten by Zurich.

It seems all house insurance from 123.ie is via Zurich. So at renewal time you are still with Zurich and no effort is made by the broker to get you a better deal from a different insurer.
My renewal with 123.ie for house insurance was not competitive. I rang around and they agreed to match the quote.

When the policy doc came out the quote was matched but the value insured was too low.

Customer service sorted it out quickly and I think I got a good deal.

But I would shop around and just treat them like any other insurer and not assume they are getting you the best deal.
They are not very competitive in terms of travel insurance where they are consistently dearer for similar policies.