12 Year Old Predators - Full rigours of the law.


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Absolutely shocking stuff...that 12 years olds are even capable of doing such things, but that they may get off given their age??
I appreciate charges/confirmation have yet to be brought, but if it turns out to be the case, what do you think?

At the end of the day, these 'kids' are dangerous and need to be rehabilitated before they move on to more serious crime. I'm presuming its feasible to assume that at 12, they know right from wrong, regardless of any personal background (that may subsequently be wheeled out as some sort of 'excuse' - but thats another thread).

What of the parents in all this - by the sounds of things, the kids were all very well known to eachother? I can't begin to understand the feelings of resentment and anger, revenege even, that are sure to surface if hte allegations are proved correct.

I'm horrified - and am reminded of the Jamie Bolger case: 12 years olds have to be deemed to have some sort of social responsibility, we're not talking about nicking a dib-dab from the local Spar here...
The problem is being sure of their reasons. Whether or not it was curiousity or because they had been told about things like this/seen it done by older people etc. Kids now may be less innocent about sex than years ago but they don't neccessarily have the right information and may not have realised the full extent of what they were doing. I'm not defending what they've done but the differences betwen 12 year olds doing this and 30 years olds have to be taken into consideration. Punishment without understanding their motives will not lead to any productive outcome.
Kids now may be less innocent about sex than years ago but they don't neccessarily have the right information and may not have realised the full extent of what they were doing.

12 year olds? I think it is highly likely that they knew very well what they were doing. I think these days only a very underdeveloped 12 year old wouldn't.
12 year olds? I think it is highly likely that they knew very well what they were doing. I think these days only a very underdeveloped 12 year old wouldn't.

Well i would disagree, i'd say many know quite well but there'd be plenty who wouldn't. As I say i'm not defending what was done but i also don't agree with the OP's sentiments that they are dangerous, and i don't think throwing them into an institution and branding them sexual offenders at such a young age is going to do much to help the situation.
Well i would disagree, i'd say many know quite well but there'd be plenty who wouldn't. As I say i'm not defending what was done but i also don't agree with the OP's sentiments that they are dangerous, and i don't think throwing them into an institution and branding them sexual offenders at such a young age is going to do much to help the situation.

on the one hand I agree with you, on the other, if it had been my daughter that they'd been filming, I know full well what I'd like to do to the pair of them.

However, I do think it is important that a close eye is kept on these 2, if they think they are "getting away with it" then they may do something even more sinister the next time. At 12, they're old enough to know the difference between right and wrong
Does it go without saying that the younger two were "put up to it" or forced by the older boys? If the older boys were just being voyeuristic (ok very unlikely) it would make their role a bit more innocent but the whole thing more bizarre.

I'd be more fearful that it was part of some "grooming" process by some other figures not yet known, or that the two 12 year olds had been through the same process.

Maybe I'm wrong but I never heard of a 12 year old paedophile, at that age I'd be thinking more rehab than throw away the key.

The Jamie Bolger case is one of the most sickening I ever recall but I dont think this is quite up there with it - awful and all as it is.
(All of my comments presuppose that the allegations in the newspaper report cited above are accurate)

This has to be one of the saddest stories I've heard in a long time and the anger I feel is directed at the parents / guardians / adults in the lives of the 12 year olds than the kids themselves.

What happened to these children to have them behave like sexual predators with even younger children?
... I'd be more fearful that it was part of some "grooming" process by some other figures not yet known, or that the two 12 year olds had been through the same process. ...
This would be my concern as well.

I'd be for taking all the children into care and prosecuting all the parents / guardians concerned.
Why oh why do people allow children have cameras on their mobile phones. So far it has brought us happy slapping videos, sexting and stories like this. Ban them now!

In relation this incident, we should probably wait and see what comes out of it before commenting. Shocking story though.
Why oh why do people allow children have cameras on their mobile phones. So far it has brought us happy slapping videos, sexting and stories like this. Ban them now!

That's a good point Sunny, you'd have to wonder if the incident itself was the main interest for the kids or if it was the filming of something, as in if they had no phones or cameras would it have happened? It may stil have but it's something to consider.
Off the subject slightly, but it is very difficult to buy even a cheap phone without a camera now. I tried a few weeks ago.
From what I heard yesterday - the children have not yet been formally interviewed by the Gardai - as they need specialised interviewers. I think there are a number of issues in relation to who are at this stage alleged offenders - what was the motives of the children involved? Did these children have an understanding or their actions including that of right and wrong? Was there any other people involved directing these children? Whatever the answers - these facts need to be established and once done then follow-on systems need to kick in. The photographic images of the offences were reportedly deleted from the mobile phones.

For the victims and their families - support via debriefing and counselling should be provided and made available by the HSE irrespective of whatever the outcome of the above investigation is.