I'm in the unfortunate position of having the same loan as yourself and have been trying to negotiate with aib over the terms of the loan with little joy. Graduated last year and have started working as an intern.
These are the only options they offered to graduates of my med school last year:
1. Interest only for 1 year @ BLR +4.75%, being 5% in total as at todays date - 460 per month. At the end of the 1 year interest only, facility to be reviewed.
2. Interest only for 3 years followed by 7 years Capital & Interest again at BLR +4.75%, Being 5% in total as at todays date. Interest only 460 per month & 1550 per month.
3. Capital & Interest @ BLR +4.75%, being 5% in total @ repayments of 1160 per month.
all options insist on full payment in 10 years.
So far most people I know are signing up to interest only repayments but the thoughts of aib looking for 1550e/month in a few years shocked me. So I've looked to negotiate on all aspects of the loan.
AIB have refused to do this at a branch level and are forcing me to default before they will negotiate at all. I've had meetings with the assistant branch manager with no movement despite her review of my finances showing I cant even afford the interest only repayments by their calculations.
Basic salary for an intern is approx 2300e/month net. including the small overtime payments we get nowadays.
These loans were given out at a time when interns were taking home about twice the above amount and the reductions in salary are similar at all levels in medicine.
AIB no longer gives these unsecured loans out. The maximum they will offer is fees only (60k) and all loans have a guarantor.
Currently AIB have sent a demand for repayment of the loan which I replied to by saying the repayments as they stand are unmanageable in both the short and long term.
I intend to pay the loan in full, but I've made a big mistake taking on this debt.....(as did AIB giving this cash out)
Not sure where this will end up.......