101 great things about the current Government


Registered User
The link in another thread about 101 great things about the new ConDem alliance got me thinking, are there actually positive things about our current leaders and Government?. Anyway here's my list of 101 things, I'm only up to 37 so feel free to add to it.

Am I being serious in some of these? yes. Am I taking the mick in some of these, possbily . It's up to yourself to decide which is which.

As I said, feel free to add to this

1: They’re helping to reduce unemployment by keeping FF and Green TDs off the dole

2: It gives Jackie Healy Rae something to do

3: It means Beverley Cooper-Flynn is unlikely to try and sell you an investment product

4: In the likes of Mary Hannifin and Brian Lenihan, there may be future FF leaders who might actually be competent

5: They allow us to all feel “holier then thou” because, after all, it is their fault that we’re in the mess we’re in. The blinkered spending spree many of us went on was all Bertie and Brian's fault, not ours.

6: They keep union leaders occupied by giving them something to bitch about

7: They’re not Enda Kenny

8: Or Leo Varadker

9: Or George Lee

10: If Bertie Ahern hadn’t won so many elections, Michael Noonan could be Taoiseach

11: They’re not the Shinners

12: Which reminds me, the Peace Process

13: If you’re opening of off-license or pub, it’s easy to find someone to do it.

14: Think of all the fun you can have when the next election comes round and canvassers call

15: We won’t have to put up with a Lisbon referendum this year

16: Or Libertas for that matter

17:The volcano was not their fault, seriously, it wasn’t

18: Far fewer politicians at the Galway races

19: Lots of new Motorways

20: which now have far fewer SUVs and jeeps being driven by muppets who don’t know how to drive them on our roads

21: In fact, far less traffic on the roads as no-one can afford to go anywhere

22: A lot of chancers who made a fortune in the boom time have now lost it

23: We now own half of London, revenge for 800 years !!!

24: No one talks about how much money they made when they sold their house any more

25: Willie O’Dea, bless, he’s an entertaining little fellow if nothing else

26: By not calling by-elections, there are 3 less politicians in the Dail, thus saving the country money.

27: Dublin airport is far quieter

28: They don’t appear in sitcoms like John Prescott did

29: Or on gameshows like Lembik Opik or whatever his name is

30: Politician expenses and pensions have begun to be reformed

31: AAM would be so much more boring without them

32: Bertie won’t be President

33: Gift Grub in the morning

34: It’s a lot easier to get a tradesman at a realistic price

35: We’ve discovered that Irish retailers and businesses were ripping us off for years because Ireland was an “expensive” country to do business in. Amazing how they’ve all been able to cut prices

36: It keeps Fintan O’Toole occupied

37: The youngsters are learning that life isn't necessarily easy and ponies, cars and clothes don't grow on tree
39: We don’t have to listen to Joan Burton as much.
40: We don’t have to look at Joan Burton as much.
41: It helps keeps Vincent Brown in the state of constant indignant apoplexy of which he is so fond.
42. Future budgets will be overseen by our European masters, which may not be a bad thing given the mess our lot made of it.
44. Eamon Gilmore won't have to make a decision
45 Enda Kenny can still sit on the back benchs as he has done for 40 years
46 It will give Leo Varadker a chance to topple Kenny
47 We might just get public sector reform
48. It has encouraged regular Joe Soaps (such as myself) to educate themselves about economics and how money works.
49. It has ensured that you no longer need to shout 4 deep at the bar counter on a Friday night "mine's a Beamish"
49. It gives people someone to blame for their own stupidity in speculating on housing, apartments in Bulgaria, Vineyards in Sicily etc when prior to this their biggest purchase was a caravan in Brittas Bay with a five year credit union loan
50. Everytime I see Brian Cowen on telly, I think how stunningly beautiful I am.
51. They remind us that failure to deliver or to be anyway qualified or talented does not preclude you from a place in our National Parliment.
52. You no longer feel like an outcast because you have a poor credit rating.