> 100K salary category:Govt focussing on such subjective or arbitary criteria.


Registered User
On Newstalk this morning, they were discussing some leaked correspondence between Ministers Howlin and Noonan concerning the number of people in the NTMA earning salaries over €100K pa.

Why €100K ? Why not €95K, or €105K ? Is the figure of €100K one that has been objectively measured as one commesurate with a certain level of experience, capability & responsibility, or is this a figure that has been plucked from the air because of the optics ?

I suspect it's the optics. This depresses me that Government Ministers are focussing on such subjective or arbitary criteria for resolving the Government finances.

I wonder is Minister Howlin equally as concerned with the number of politicians who also earn more the 100k mark since that seems to be the benchmark of what is acceptable. Or the number of people in third level education for example that earn more than it?
It's not only the government that uses this benchmark.
Whenever the child benefit issue or other items that could be means tested are discussed, the figure of 100K is usually mentioned. For example "anyone earning over 100K shouldn't get it".