10% - 15% Discount on properties in the UK



Do people have an opinion on this type of marketing?

Part of me says it's too good to be true.

But another part of me says the reason is plausible i.e. That the builder sells in bulk to an agent and they get a reduction as a result.
Also - banks will give 100% mortgages on these (i.e. 85% og actual market value) so I'm assuming there must be some truth to it if the banks are prepared to give out 100% (They will have to be valued independently for the banks presume)
Why would anybody sell an asset for 10-15% less than what it might fetch elsewhere?
Ok - you may well be right.

But - lets say a property is valed at 100k - you get a 15% 'reduction' to 85k.
The bank gives you 85% IF THE MARKET VALUE I.E. GIVES YOU 85K.


But - lets say a property is valed at 100k - you get a 15% 'reduction' to 85k.
The bank gives you 85% IF THE MARKET VALUE I.E. GIVES YOU 85K.


What about the fact that you have a debt of 85% of the property value? What happens if prices fall and you end up with negative equity?
Well obviously if you're borrowed up to 100% then it's high risk - with corresoponding high returns.
So that is definitely an issue.
However - just specifically in relation to the fact of this 15% discount,I'm just trying to illustrate / find out - if it's too good to be true.

Has anyone ever bought one of these places ?
Do people have an opinion on this type of marketing?

Part of me says it's too good to be true.

But another part of me says the reason is plausible i.e. That the builder sells in bulk to an agent and they get a reduction as a result.
Also - banks will give 100% mortgages on these (i.e. 85% og actual market value) so I'm assuming there must be some truth to it if the banks are prepared to give out 100% (They will have to be valued independently for the banks presume)

check out the local EA web sites. If similar properties in the immediate areas are selling for 15% more than what you are looking at then believe it.

I doubt you will find this though.
You may have come across this before as it is a few months old- Neverthless it is quite intertesting read. A report on the buy-to-let market published by a specialist UK lender points towards continued growth in the sector and highlights a number of UK hotspots where investors currently see the greatest potential from property investment.
Of the 65 towns and cities in the report, the following 20 are listed as those where the most profitable investments can often be found at present:

• Aberdeen
• Belfast
• Bournemouth
• Brighton/Hove
• Dundee
• Exeter
• Glasgow
• London
• Middlesbrough
• Newport
• Nottingham
• Peterborough
• Preston
• Sheffield
• Southampton
• Stoke
• Sunderland
• Swindon
• Walsall
• Watford

The lender said that “Investment in buy-to-let property has been particularly strong over the past six months. In the first half of this year, lenders advanced £17.5 billion on 152,500 buy-to-let mortgages, surpassing all records since the market took off ten years ago, Cities such as London are now back on the agenda for many property investors, as house prices have not risen as quickly here as they have in many other parts of thecountry over the past few years. The increase in people coming to work in the UK from other EU countries, coupledwith the growth of universities, has also helped to expand the number of tenants looking for properties, giving landlords new opportunities for profitable property investment
There are 3 genuine reasons a developer would sell properties at a discount as well as many ungenuine.
  1. A developer will sell a limited number at a discount at the beginning of a development to generate interest and publicity.
  2. Also to impress his bank so he can borrow enough to complete the development.
  3. Or at the end of a development when there are not many left and he wants to get money to start his next project
As for mortgages, this is just a sales gimmick. All banks judge mortgages based on your ability to pay back, either through rent or earnings or both. You will only get the mortgage if your income satifies the bank and no agent or developer can change that.
I would love to know how they can offer a mortgage when they don't know your income or debts.

johnny d, it is so easy to get buy to let mortgages here in the UK. If you have a good well connected FA, then the sky is the limit (debts or no debts), it doesn't matter. The banks are giving it away. Until recently you would usually have to have a 15% deposit and meet rent requirements, this is even disappearing now. It is so easy, I reckon my dog could even get a mortgage !
Yup! Please do come and buy lots of houses in the UK. You can hold up to 1 million pounds worth, get 100% mortgages and hold an unlimited number of properties. Roll up! Roll up! Support this lil'ol economy. Regarding your final comment, you own the MORTGAGE DEBT on the properties you purchase until (if/when) you sell on.
There are 3 genuine reasons a developer would sell properties at a discount as well as many ungenuine.
  1. A developer will sell a limited number at a discount at the beginning of a development to generate interest and publicity.
  2. Also to impress his bank so he can borrow enough to complete the development.
  3. Or at the end of a development when there are not many left and he wants to get money to start his next project
As for mortgages, this is just a sales gimmick. All banks judge mortgages based on your ability to pay back, either through rent or earnings or both. You will only get the mortgage if your income satifies the bank and no agent or developer can change that.
I would love to know how they can offer a mortgage when they don't know your income or debts.


Spot on John, many developers will have to sell 20 - 50% off plan before they get finance - add this to savings on market and estate agents costs and the developer is making a significant saving on his costs.
There has been a lot of articles in the press recently regarding new builds in the UK being overvalued and it is only some 2-3 years later that they 'find' their true value in the marketplace. This true value is often less

Generally developers offer these discounts by adding the reduction to the cost!

Some mortgage lenders are now refusing to borrow on new builds.

I would stay away from anything new in the UK at present.
There has been a lot of articles in the press recently regarding new builds in the UK being overvalued and it is only some 2-3 years later that they 'find' their true value in the marketplace. This true value is often less

Generally developers offer these discounts by adding the reduction to the cost!

Some mortgage lenders are now refusing to borrow on new builds.

I would stay away from anything new in the UK at present.

who is not lending on new builds.

as for the discount situation - there is a simple formula that most use - get the MV then add 5% to it for the asking price then offer a 15% dicount on the asking price - the net/real discount is therefore 10% of the MV.
Not sure of which particular firms Propertprof but remember it being in the press a lot about 4-5months ago.

Found this link- [broken link removed]

New Build Buy To Let Mortgages

The decision by a few buy to let mortgage lenders to pull out of buy-to-let (BTL) new build does not appear to have begun any great trends among lenders. One buy to let mortgage lender says that it has tightened up its lending criteria on such properties as a direct result. However, at least three of the 10 biggest Buy to let mortgage lenders say that they have no intention of halting lending on new builds.

One buy to let lender will only accept applications on properties over a year old, due to an oversupply of newly built property. With the housing market cooling, property developers are finding that interest is way below what was anticipated. They are looking to shift some of their stock without spoiling the market value of the entire development. The worst hit are the new build properties that are typically two-bedroom, two bathroom apartments, in provincial city centres, such as Leeds, Newcastle, Nottingham and Docklands. Developers with excess housing stock on their hands are being approached by large investment and Property Buying clubs.

The problem is, if the valuation is carried out based on the full price, the lender lends on that basis and the property is effectively under secured. It is a win for the developer and the buyer. The developer has sold a chunk of the development without prejudicing the perceived price, while the buyer has secured the flat at a discount. Any prospective buyer who comes along for the remaining flats is told that others have sold for the full asking price and therefore feels that they must be worth that much. The valuation is based on the selling price listed in Land Registry. It is virtually impossible to know whether it really is the genuine price. Problems are likely to come to light only when the market stops rising. Developments are predicated on continually spiralling prices, but with the slowdown in prices, the right valuation becomes more important. Supply always chases demand off a cliff. That's the nature of the market.

The risk is that the real market value of the property is hidden. If there are discounts and incentives involved, and there often are on this type of property, of which the lender is unaware, it may end up lending in excess of its normal maximum. Ultimately, if prices fall, that can lead to negative equity-where the mortgage is more than the value of the property. On top of that, any realistic rental is likely to be based on the true market value, so there may be difficulty generating sufficient rental income to cover the mortgage. In the current market buying new build properties off plan represents a high risk, high reward strategy, investors who purchase off plan property are vulnerable to low resale value because of oversupply and valuations that could be inaccurate by as much as 10%.

Another danger is investor flooding, whereby all the properties in a development become available at the same time, leaving landlords with identical properties competing for a limited number of tenants.

A Top 10 BTL lender acknowledges that new build valuations can be an issue, but feels that things are under control. Where builders incorporate discounts most lenders are aware of the fact and will adjust lending criteria accordingly.

A survey of Buy To Let Mortgage lenders at the Council Mortgage Lenders suggested that less than 5% of all Buy to let was new build and that only 3% was new build flats.
They are only building twicw as many houses as us here..

UK population 70mill
Ireland 4Mill


I havent used these clubs but am considering.. anybody
used anybody they were happy with or not happy with ..
The bank ABN Ambro released a research report last week suggesting that the UK property market is overvalued by up to 50%. Liverpool City Council reported this week that 35% of the new build flats in the city are unoccupied. Anyone considering buy to let investments in the UK should know they are buying at the top of this particular cycle.
The bank ABN Ambro released a research report last week suggesting that the UK property market is overvalued by up to 50%. Liverpool City Council reported this week that 35% of the new build flats in the city are unoccupied. Anyone considering buy to let investments in the UK should know they are buying at the top of this particular cycle.

Anyone buying in Liverpool needs their heads read.