1 in 3 consumers doesn't monitor the performance of their investments


...according to the .

From Finfacts:
The following are among the interesting findings to emerge from the first IBF Personal Asset Profile:

9 out of 10 consumers are savers/investors – 66% do so regularly, 13% do so regularly as well as by lump sum and 8% by lump sum only

Consumers clearly understand the difference between savings and investments – 68% plan regular saving over the next 3 years, while 32% plan investment

Consumers are not doing enough to promote their own financial interests

– 35% do not regularly review the performance of their investment

– 32% do not know how their investments have performed in the past year

Consumers are not planning properly for the future

– 26% of consumers have nothing in place as a potential source of retirement income; and 80% have never made an AVC

– 54% have not made a will and over two-thirds don’t intend to in the next year
>>35% do not regularly review the performance of their investment

If it is intended as a long term investment, then ignoring short term changes could be considered a good thing...
But reviewing could also mean checking the charges to see if they are competitive and, if not, moving elsewhere if necessary. Judging from many of the posts here where some people don't have the first clue about the charges that apply on their investments and have as little idea about how they are performing the headline above would not be too surprising to me. People should keep tabs on their investments. But I agree that they should not engage in kneejerk reactions to short term volatility for example.