1.9tdi bora 02: Why has car tax not gone down - with all the CO2 stuff?


Registered User
Hi guys,
drive a 1.9tdi bora 02. the tax last year was 500approx and this year its the same. I though it would have come down with all the co2 stuff? I haven't paid it yet so any ideas why its still fairly high?
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Re: why has my tax not gone down?

Do a search on car tax and CO2.

Your car is pre 08 therefore will continue to pay tax based on engine size, not CO2 emissions.
Re: why has my tax not gone down?

Your are been punished for buying an environmentally friendly car before there was incentive to do so...

shame on you....
Re: why has my tax not gone down?

Hi guys,
drive a 1.9tdi bora 02. the tax last year was 500approx and this year its the same. I though it would have come down with all the co2 stuff? I haven't paid it yet so any ideas why its still fairly high?
and very soon it will go up again
Re: why has my tax not gone down?

Yep you need to buy a 08 to show you care about the planet and get the lower tax.

Thanks Minister Gormley.
Re: why has my tax not gone down?

Yeah, because the only 'green' the govt are interested in is the colour of the €100 notes.

Honda Accord 2.2 c-tdi 143g/km CO2
2005 reg €827 per annum
2008 reg €290 per annum.

EXACT same car/engine/mileage etc, makes no difference.
Nearly 3 times the price for being environmentally conscious before Gormley decided it was 'good'...

Or rather, for not being able to afford a 2008 car and being shafted because of it...but if you can afford a new car you get rewarded...what sense does that make !?

By rights, old cars who's total emissions per mile (including emissions produced during manufacture etc...) are practically negligable should be the ones with low tax, but sure then the poor old SIMI members wouldn't be making profits from selling overpriced new cars, and VRT would drop too.

'Environment' minister indeed !!!
Re: why has my tax not gone down?

OTOH those of us with older less environmentally friendly cars are not suddenly being penalised for our lack of foresight - so it does cut both ways. The only thing I think they should have done would have been to include second hand imports in the new tax rules, but I'm happy I'm not paying more tax because of a purchase I made some time ago.
Re: why has my tax not gone down?

Would you be happy if you do care for the environment and not just your pennies - And you bought a lower emmissions car in 07 just for your own party to devalue it. Punishment for been too Green to quick..
Re: why has my tax not gone down?

Huh? Are you suggesting that anyone who cares for the environment must be a member of or supporter of the Green Party?
Re: why has my tax not gone down?

Hi guys,
drive a 1.9tdi bora 02. the tax last year was 500approx and this year its the same. I though it would have come down with all the co2 stuff? I haven't paid it yet so any ideas why its still fairly high?

You are an unfortunate victim of mugging by the Green party along with many others and needless to say the damage to the motor trade. All in the name of having the most miniscule effect on so-called man made global warming.

Your outrageous level of tax is being kept that way because that is how Green party "economic" thinking works.
Re: why has my tax not gone down?

You are an unfortunate victim of mugging by the Green party along with many others and needless to say the damage to the motor trade. ...

Its news to me that motor traders need help damaging themselves or their businesses - they manage that quite well without outside intervention.