08 Passat with 1 year NCT


Registered User
Very interested in a 08 Passat and contacted the guy. Said it was just NCT'd last week and it's due March 2016. I pulled him up on this saying it should be 2 years as the car is not 10 years old. He said he thought the same, and will ring them in the morning to find out for me. Would this be possible to only get a 1 year cert, or does it seem dodgy??
A 08 reg should have been tested in 2012 and 2014. It is due again in 2016. If it was not tested in time, then the cert only runs to the next due date.

I had the same problem with an 09 reg Passat. It should have been tested in 2013 but wasn't. I had it tested in Nov 2014 but my cert is valid only up to Sep 2015 so only ran for 1 year.
It is possible that the car was due to be tested in March 2014 but was not tested until last week. You do not gain by delaying the test.
Then that raises the question of why wasn't it NCTed on time.....obviously wasn't on the road then (well legally anyway)
I think a lot of people just didn't bother as the penalty for not having one was more or less insignificant.

The new penalty points for no NCT has caused a rush of NCT tests as people get the cars up to date. This has generated a backlog in testing but presumably this will ease once the backlog is worked through.