06 Audi engine cutting out


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Hi the

2 months ago i purchased an 06 Audi A4 2 ltr 145bhp disel engine car.
i am having problems with the car Intermittingly cutting out on me. i cant identify exactly when but it is most common when the car has not being driven for a while like in the evening after work when it has not beeing moved all day. it has happen on a good few ocassions when slowing up the car to go over a humb on the drive up from the office and putting it back down into second gear when i go to take off on the other side the car just looses power and stops. it has also happened while reversing and taking off in first gear.

i also have an terrible smell from the air conditioning.

i have got the car taken back and they can find nothing worng with it they have had people drive it and said it has never cut out on them but i think it is when the car has jsut been started and has the pressue of going over the hump? they have told me that they replaced the filter in the air conditioning unit but the smell still remains.

please i need your help & advice on this is is driving me crazy

Sorry to hear of your hassle. You obviously shouldn't be getting those issues in a car of that quality and reputation...and most significantly age! All I can say is get it into a reputable mechanic or main dealer asap and just get it sorted out. Nobody here will be able to tell you what's wrong. There is clearly something up that should be easy enough for a good mechanic to diagnose.

The issue with the Air Con is separate to the main issue you are having. Changing the filter should have sorted it out. Who did you give the car to? Some backstreet cowboys perhaps?
No there's more work needed - see this site. http://www.vwaudiforum.co.uk/

Register for free and search for "a4+aircon+smell" - the problem has been solved. A very useful site IME; local dealers, please note.

Good advice mathepac. I am actually a member of that forum but didn't think of recommending it. I had a quick check of some of the threads and the following quote is one individual's success story in getting it sorted out:

Had this on my Audi A4, smelt like cats wee when I started it up. Changed the pollen filter and then ran an air con anti fungus spray through the system (£5 from tesco). Solved the problem.
OP: there may be something in the above quote that hopefully will lead to a solution to your air con issue.
Yes but the problem is the scuttle-panel drain-tubes / drain-holes getting blocked with debris - try the search above for a long-term fix. (I'm working on the other issue - at least Mr Google is :) )
I found this problem with the drains under the battery getting blockd with gunk.

Managed to fix it myself with a basic socket set.

Search for plenum tubes blocked.
Sorry to hear of your hassle. You obviously shouldn't be getting those issues in a car of that quality and reputation...and most significantly age! All I can say is get it into a reputable mechanic or main dealer asap and just get it sorted out. Nobody here will be able to tell you what's wrong. There is clearly something up that should be easy enough for a good mechanic to diagnose.

The issue with the Air Con is separate to the main issue you are having. Changing the filter should have sorted it out. Who did you give the car to? Some backstreet cowboys perhaps?

I sent it back to the main dealer i bought it from & they replaced the air-con filter - but smell still there - thats my problem i am dealing with the main dealer!
There is a company online called micksgarage.ie that sell spray for air-con smells. works perfectly.
Is the dealer doing the work on waranty?

Are they loaning you a car.

Keep at them don't be fobbed off.
i know this won't help you too much but i test drove an 05 A6
2.0tdi a few weeks ago and the same thing happened to me,
everytime i came to a junction it just cut out, i thought it was
my driving,then i had to depress clutch 2 or 3 times before i
could restart it...very annoying...