05 Nissan micra - automatic

creme egg

Registered User
Hi all,
I have my eye on a car, its a 05 nissan micra, its got air-con and usuals like cd player, power steering, elec windows, remote central locking.
But it's automatic.
I have no problem in driving an automatic (a family member has one so have had a go in that)
Has anyone had any experience with them? Are they decent / reliable?

Is it true to say that the value when selling on an automatic would be lower in value than a regular micra? Or is that just an old wives tale?
creme egg
Is it true to say that the value when selling on an automatic would be lower in value than a regular micra?

Depends on the car - smaller cars are generally less desirable as autos but Micras attract elderly buyers who often want autos. Don't think Micra autos are that common either. Have you compared prices on e.g. [broken link removed] .ie or ?
Thanks for the reply Caveat. I have checked out both of those sites, I acutally found the car originally on carzone.ie
At the moment there is not much of a difference pricewise between the auto's and manual.

I guess another question I have is, are they known for giving trouble?
You know the way some cars are notorious for X or Y going wrong with them.
Can you guess that I have never driven a micra before : )
Can't comment specifically on a Micra auto but in general the Micra is a great little car - very reliable, nippy, frugal, fun and easy to drive. Tiny boot and limited legroom in the back but spacious in the front.

Just curious - do you specifically want an auto? You would have a lot more Micra choices if you went manual...
I am not in the market specifically to get an auto, It just (it's such a girl thing to say but..) there is one that has caught my eye, cause of the colour and interior, it's more unusual than the rest.
I am going to see it over the next few days, so hopefully it will be ok!

Acutally one other thing, you mentioned boot space being small Caveat. Can a buggy fit in it (if anyone would know?) Now I don't own a buggy, so cannot "test" it. But I am thinking in a few years time...
Should get a buggy in Creme egg - but not much else with it I'd say.

I should say the back seats do slide forward though creating a bit more space as long as no-one is in the back.

For resale reasons (and I admit I'm not certain about this) if I were you I'd try and get a manual. I'm sure the colours/features should be available in other manual models if that's your main concern.

The "nippiness" I mentioned would also be blunted somewhat in the auto version too.