03 VW GOLF TDI - Cutting out the second it hits reserve and diesel light comes on!!



Hey All,

Have a 2003 Diesel VW GOLF and im having trouble with it cutting out.

It cuts out the second the Fuel gage hits reserve and the waring light comes on the computer.It runs perfect up to that starts fine no signs of any problems.But like i said the sec it hits reserve it cuts out.Well if you keep the revs over 2,000 rpm it wont but put your foot on the clutch and let it idle it cuts right out!! Takes a few turns and it goes again...But you need to keep it over 2,000 rpm.Ive changed the fuel filter and the valve thats sits on top of the diesel filter.

Any one any ideas because its odd the way it runs fine up to that.Maybe my fuel gage is reading wrong!!
Re: 03 VW GOLF TDI - Cutting out the second it hits reserve and diesel light comes on

It could be a lot of things including sludge in the fuel tank momentarily blocking the pipe from the tank. Retail outlets in the UK have published apologies and offered to pay for repairs to cars damaged because of silicone contaminated fuel.

If you are happy that the changes you made have not resulted in any air-locks, it may be that the sender isn't working on the fuel reserve / expansion tank, which I think holds 5 or 6 litres.

Next time you fill the car, when the garage fuel pump cuts out, press the little valve that sits at the top of the fuel filler neck on the car with the metal end of the pump. You should hear a hiss as trapped air escapes and you will be able to fit more diesel in the tank. Continue until you have the tank full, being careful not to spill any.

See what happens the next time the the fuel warning light comes on.

If there is no change, then maybe get your mechanic to drop the fuel tank and clean it out.
Re: 03 VW GOLF TDI - Cutting out the second it hits reserve and diesel light comes on

Cheers Mathepac,its been bugn the B'This post will be deleted if not edited immediately out of me!! Thanks for your suggestions.