Sad day - both Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson dying.

Sue Ellen

At least Farrah Fawcett has been sick for some time now so her death was not a shock but Michael Jackson's was certainly out of the blue. Feel very sorry for the 3 children.

May they both rest in peace.
Re: MJ - I am sorry for his kids, but at the end of the day.... I may buck the trend here: Regardless of what he may or may not have been through as a child/teenager, he was a fairly dubious bloke..musical/video genius or not. Feel free to know you agree! Do I give him the benefit of doubt in his death, that I didn't give him in life? Ooh, do you all hate me????

Very sorry for Farrah and her family - such a pity she didn't get married in the end as she'd hoped.

Nobody is more lost to someone that is close...we may well respect someone but at the end of day...we didn't know him/her. Admiration is one thing...reverence is inappropriate in the case of MJ and grief may be a slight exaggeration of fans of FF. People can be sad, but the black hole that is the allegations that have abounded cannot be ignored in MJs case, a respectful sorrow for those who are
actually affected should be maintained.
I grew up listening to Jackson and was a complete fan of his so I am sad to think that such a talent is gone!. I cannot however reconcile that talented individual with the man who died yesterday, and I could not feel particularly sad. Despite the fact that he was never convicted of anything, I feel that at best he had wildly inappropriate relationships with children and in the end I wouldn't even listen to one of his songs on the radio. I am curious as to what will happen to his children.

The only thing that will make me sad now is the massive outpouring of grief and scenes like Dianas funeral. Not to mention countless interviews with the rest of the strange Jacksons followed my long years of court battles fighting for his money or what was left of it! :rolleyes:
Just heard a very surreal interview with well known Cork Auctioneer, Dominic Daly, who spent two weekends in 2007 showing Michael Jackson properties in the Cork area. He took him to a pub - "the kind of pub where they wouldn't get excited about who you are" - so he could have a sip of Murphys! That was kept quiet!!

I was a huge Michael Jackson fan in the late eighties/nineties. My first ever cassette was Bad and I nearly wore it out. I had posters up on my wall and bought the biography. I loved songs like "She's out of my life" or "The girl is mine". Whatever else about him, he was very talented musically.
I think his life was just getting sadder and more tragic all the time and I really don't think the poor guy had an awful lot left to live for. Hopefully his children may get to live a relatively normal life now. I really don't think he was a suitable person to be raising them and am surprised he was let do so. Anyway, may he rest in peace.
While obviously he was off the wall in many respects, I'm not convinced he was an abuser. Ok there was some very inappropriate stuff but from what few scraps I know he was a child like person - Peter Pan & all that stuff. So it MAY have been more like a sleepover than abuse.

I was more shocked by a) parents allowing their kids to be put in the position and the cynic in me thinks they saw dollar signs and b) did MJ not have any sane people around him to point out that what he was doing was just not cricket and left him wildly exposed to allegations.

For many years I've felt sorry for the guy and no matter his money, fame and talent I wouldnt have swapped with the guy for 1 second because I think its obvious he was not a happy man.

So I think he will ultimately be remembered for his talent & his fruitiness and I think thats a fair reflection. As regards him having the kids, I was never very comfortable with that idea but heres hoping there are some normal people on the scene to mind them and ultimately the money should, I hope, keep them going.
I'm sorry to say but the name Michael Jackson makes me think of 'weirdness' and allegations before I think of his music.

A troubled person, RIP.

Apparently the doctors who examined him couldn’t pinpoint whether it was the sunshine, the moonlight, the good times or the boogie that finally did him in.
But my gut tells me it was probably the boogie.
They now say that he actually fell over a pram/stroller and then had a heark attack but they are not sure yet if they can blame it on the buggie.
Los Angeles police have now been round to Michael Jackson's Neverland ranch this afternoon. It is being reported that they found Class A drugs in his kitchen, Class B drugs in his bathroom and Class 4C in his bedroom
Reaction to Jackos passing away.

Sad as all deaths are i feel there has been mass over reaction in the media to his passing. It was not very long ago the media were hounding him.
Without a doubt a musical genius but whether he was a flawed individual or someone who was used and abused by the media will probably come out in a few years as people and media can now print what they couldn’t print when he was alive.

The early fame that came to him at 5 years old was probably a form of child abuse and many people prospered from his genius.

The media hype that will now continue for the next few days/weeks/months will be on a par with Diana Spencer’s death and will probably be played out in the public eye and his grave becoming a place of pilgrimage.

He was a brilliant musician but lets all calm down on the hype.
I think it will be more on a par with Elvis Presley - annual pilgrimages to Neverland etc. I'm just waiting for the rumours to start up that he's not really dead but has changed his identity and so on.
a musical genius

I really wouldn't agree with that.

Not wanting to speak ill of him, but he was a 'pop star' in every sense of the phrase IMO. I'm not saying he wasn't talented, but there wasn't really anything absolutely outstanding about any of his work - it was neither particularly innovative, groundbreaking nor original.

He was probably a better performer - dancer, singer, showman/theatrics etc - than he was songwriter TBH.

Apologies if that opinion offends anyone but it's not meant to.
Re: Reaction to Jackos passing away.

I agree - more or less 24hr news coverage is a bit over the top. Yes, it is a big news story and should be in the news bulletins, but it should not be the only story in the news. The Iranian mullahs must be delighted with this - has taken their election fiasco out of the news.
Re: Reaction to Jackos passing away.

The banner, earlier today, on the NY Times website was 'The World mourns Michael Jackson'.

I think it should read 'Michael Jackson is mourned across the world'.

Not many people in this office have mentioned it since they arrived in this morning.
Agree with Caveat.

While he did produce some good music, it was hardly earth shattering. I think that most of the legend is more to do with PR hype that reality. While good, Thriller and Bad werent legendary even in their day.

Jacksons music career can be summed up by over the top hype claiming that his next video/album etc. is the best in history, followed by loads of people buying it based on the hype (usually when first released before people have had a chance to listen) followed by a feeling that maybe it isnt as good as the hype.

His world wide fame is more due to his unusual lifestyle and habits than his music.