George Lee

God no, the system will corrupt his princicples like everyone else! Let the civil service at him and his ideas for 'change'! :)
Never a truer word spoken. Before George could get to the top of the greasy pole his mentors would make sure that he was one of them. Who would allow any fellow with tree-shaking ambition to get into such a position without first being sorted.
fair play its what the country needs, something new and more experteese. FG have upped thier stock , now they need to maintain the momentum by changing the leader now!! As as leader Kenny, is holding FG back. A change now with GLee with propel FG.
One of my colleagues reckons if he does not win the seat he is allowed back into his old job in RTE. Apparently this was mentioned on the radio but I have not heard it myself.

He has stated he won't be returning to RTE.
I have to say I admire him. He is giving up a secure job and going into politics.

One of my colleagues reckons if he does not win the seat he is allowed back into his old job in RTE. Apparently this was mentioned on the radio but I have not heard it myself.
Heard the interview and the way George explained it was that if he failed to be elected he would be entitled to return to A job in RTE, not his previous job, that his previous job would be filled on a permanent basis (unlike the Teacher thing) but that he wouldn't be returning to broadcasting*.

* Paraphrasing.
Would be interested to see if he did get a job back at RTE, I would bet he would be back there on a higher wage (as an even higher profile person). If he didnt get that one back he would probably get a job at TV3 so its not really the noble gesture that some are making out.

He has been very clever. Constantly attacked FF as an impartial observer, which has added credibility to his arguements. Then, either because he was always a FG supporter and didnt disclose it, or he sees an opportunity to invest on the wave of disgust at FF by getting into politics (and using his already known image in public to get him in).

I dont know exactly his motivations for doing this, I can only speculate, but I would not think they are for simply doing his bit for the country (I openly admit to being a cynic).

That said, FF havent exactly raised the bar very high for any party to improve on so it should be a walk in the park, if FG dont get into power (even with labour) they should both give up . . .
I have to say I am glad george lee has signed up for FG, the problem I have is my local FG man is a well known consultant (I worked with him in a major hospital) and god forgive me but he is a smarmey *****r, I had rows with him at my door step about the latest consultant contracts - I cannot vote for him - though I would vote FG if he were not standing...
He has been very clever. Constantly attacked FF as an impartial observer, which has added credibility to his arguements. Then, either because he was always a FG supporter and didnt disclose it, or he sees an opportunity to invest on the wave of disgust at FF by getting into politics (and using his already known image in public to get him in).

I dont know exactly his motivations for doing this, I can only speculate, but I would not think they are for simply doing his bit for the country (I openly admit to being a cynic).
Ok, I'm going to lay my cards on the table. I'm not a FG supporter and never have been but I 100% respect and believe George Lee when he says that at some point you have to stop moaning and cribbing from the sidelines and do what you can to make a difference.

Politics is the process by which groups of people make decisions. For a long time I've been deeply unhappy with the people making the decisions in Irish politics, and for whose benefit those decisions were made.

I think my my AAM record would definately put me into the cynic corner, bordering on crank perhaps, but there is a difference between cynacism and simply ignoring reality.

I wish George all the best and hope that he proves an example to other like minded individuals of integrity to enter the Irish political system, irrespective of their party of choice.
And so say all of us but there is something in my craw which rankles .......
Would be interested to see if he did get a job back at RTE, I would bet he would be back there on a higher wage (as an even higher profile person). If he didnt get that one back he would probably get a job at TV3 so its not really the noble gesture that some are making out.

He has been very clever. Constantly attacked FF as an impartial observer, which has added credibility to his arguements. Then, either because he was always a FG supporter and didnt disclose it, or he sees an opportunity to invest on the wave of disgust at FF by getting into politics (and using his already known image in public to get him in).

I dont know exactly his motivations for doing this, I can only speculate, but I would not think they are for simply doing his bit for the country (I openly admit to being a cynic).

That said, FF havent exactly raised the bar very high for any party to improve on so it should be a walk in the park, if FG dont get into power (even with labour) they should both give up . . .

Who cares where he ends up if he doesn't get elected? He is entitled to a job and he has stated that he doesn't intend to return to RTE even though RTE are obliged to keep a job for him until the end of the campaign.
I have to say I don't understand why people accuse George Lee of being anti-FF. Are you seriously suggesting he has been planning this for years? You hear the same crap being sprouted about RTE in general. He reported the facts. Can anyone show me a piece where he was blatently anti FF? Are we saying that all RTE reporters should declare their political allegiences before they broadcast?
It makes a change that people are willing to get involved and change things if they believe they can make a difference. I wish him all the best. Hopefully more people will follow his example.
He's running in my constituency and is definitely getting my number 1.

Yes, he has been openly criticising FF for years and he has been proved right. I don't think there was any game plan there ,he is just a highly intelligent guy with a brilliant grasp of economics - exactly what the country needs now.
The guy "attacked" government policy/reactions etc.

It so happens to be a FF government. No doubt he would have had similar or equivalent criticisms regardless of who had been in power for the last number of years.
Seriously, theres some really naieve opinions here . . . Thats your right of course . . .

Tell you what in 5 or 6 years time come back looking for me to be the new "in" TD. Irelands economy will eventually recover . . There you go Ive said it, no differant from saying that the boom will eventually collapse . . Its like saying "Im eventually going to die". He was bound to be right at some stage . .

I didnt say I cared where he ended up but somebody commended his big gamble at not having a job, as if its some sort of honorable gesture. He will have a job of some sorts so thats a silly comment. .

I suppose the biggest question I have to anybody whos obviously quite defencive and passionate about Mr Lee's intentions is what exactly has he done to proove that hes as honest as he says he is, why should I trust him when there is obvious Impartial issues (as a media commentator) that need to be addressed, not just ignored (the same thing we give out that FF do alot of, ignoring dodgy issues) . .

And its a just a huge coincidence that hes been attacking FF as an impartial commentator all these years (just conveniently FF have been the main party since he has been in his privelaged position at RTE, to tell the nation what he thinks!) and now is suddenly jumping onto the rising FG boat. Im not saying he wouldnt of attacked another party but the FACT is that he attacked one of them and joined the other . .

I dont think any of our parties have what it takes to properly run this country, so at least I can speak from a place of impartiality (in 10 years time after constantly talking down one of the parties in public domain I will declare my alliegances to another as a patriotic gesture, will I get the same support that Lee gets) . . .
NorthDrum I don't understand your issue? He didn't attack FF as has been pointed out before on this thread. He pointed out what he believed were mistakes made by the government and he has been proven right in this. It wasn't a personal attack on FF, simply criticising government policies. And his analysis over the years has been fairly accurate so I think you're more than just a bit flippant saying he was bound to be right at some stage. And yes I also believe this motives are genuine in getting into politics. I just don't understand your cynicism on this one.
He's running in my constituency and is definitely getting my number 1.

Yes, he has been openly criticising FF for years and he has been proved right. I don't think there was any game plan there ,he is just a highly intelligent guy with a brilliant grasp of economics - exactly what the country needs now.

It's all very interesting to see a big name appear like this, but should you/we not wait and see what his policies are beyond his economic ideas. He is obviously ambitious and has constantly built his profile on the back of our recession and this looks like the next obvious step. If he fails, then FF still get the blame, it is a very calculated risk imo.
The guy "attacked" government policy/reactions etc.

It so happens to be a FF government. No doubt he would have had similar or equivalent criticisms regardless of who had been in power for the last number of years.
Well there has to be some doubt, what do we really know about Mr.Lee, I guess we will find out all about him soon enough.
I have already said George Lee could be a rubbish TD. Doesn't change the fact that he is prepared to put his reputation (good or bad) on the line and he deserves credit for that. Beats sitting on the sidelines.

Someone like Michael O Leary has been been taking bigger pops at FF over the past few years without declaring his political allegiences. I would still love it if he joined FG or Labour! Wouldn't make me think that the past few years spent criticising the Governments transport policies were politically motivated. It was just facts. (expressed in very personal terms!). Same could be said about people like David McWilliams.

You accuse people of being naieve but I don't see why. You are basically saying that George Lee shouldn't have joined FG because he dared to criticise the FF Government during one of the biggest economic meltdown in the history of the developed world. He is also on the record criticising opposition policies and agendas coming up to General Elections. At least now he can put his money where his mouth is if elected

I don't know the man and not in the area so can't vote so don't really care but I do welcome people like George Lee running for public office. As I say, it beats the local publican or teacher.
Seriously, theres some really naieve opinions here . . . Thats your right of course . . .

Tell you what in 5 or 6 years time come back looking for me to be the new "in" TD. Irelands economy will eventually recover . . There you go Ive said it, no differant from saying that the boom will eventually collapse . . Its like saying "Im eventually going to die". He was bound to be right at some stage . .

I didnt say I cared where he ended up but somebody commended his big gamble at not having a job, as if its some sort of honorable gesture. He will have a job of some sorts so thats a silly comment. .

I suppose the biggest question I have to anybody whos obviously quite defencive and passionate about Mr Lee's intentions is what exactly has he done to proove that hes as honest as he says he is, why should I trust him when there is obvious Impartial issues (as a media commentator) that need to be addressed, not just ignored (the same thing we give out that FF do alot of, ignoring dodgy issues) . .

And its a just a huge coincidence that hes been attacking FF as an impartial commentator all these years (just conveniently FF have been the main party since he has been in his privelaged position at RTE, to tell the nation what he thinks!) and now is suddenly jumping onto the rising FG boat. Im not saying he wouldnt of attacked another party but the FACT is that he attacked one of them and joined the other . .

This from the guy with the post on positive mental attitude?! You're a complex man! I'd like to take George at his word and give him a shot. We need new people at the top. Otherwise nothing is going to change.
It's all very interesting to see a big name appear like this, but should you/we not wait and see what his policies are beyond his economic ideas. He is obviously ambitious and has constantly built his profile on the back of our recession and this looks like the next obvious step. If he fails, then FF still get the blame, it is a very calculated risk imo.

I'm not voting for him because he's a big name, but because he has a proven ability in the area of economics, something which has been lacking in government so far. As other posters have said, we need people with specific and relevant areas of expertise to start running this country properly. Obviously it is always a risk voting someone new in, but its a better option than voting in the same old faces over and over no matter what a mess they've made of things simply because your father always voted for them or they come from a political family or they got a pedestrian crossing installed at the local shopping centre.