If public sector workers took 1 week unpaid holiday


Registered User
A big American company with over 100,000 employee's is thinking of asking each employee to take 1 weeks unpaid holiday which if done will result in the company not having to let anyone go this year.

If public sector workers took 1 week holiday unpaid, and there are over 400,000 of them, average wage is around 47K(Gross 900 Euro a week) ( I can't believe that) , would result in savings of 280 Million or so.With tax,PSRI etc not to sure of exact amount,
You might say what about service's and they are effected but they don't seem that effected when they go sick which on average is more than the national sick in the private sector which runs at around 8 days a year. ( of course it is higher they always get paid for been sick)
Even if they did not take unpaid holiday's maybe they would accept only to get paid for a maximum of 3 days in a year, just say for the rest of this year even.
Many jobs in the private sector don't pay sick days at all.
Re: If public sector workers took 1 week holiday

Tell my relative who is already struggling to run a house on 24k gross as a clerical officer that she should take a week unpaid leave. Can you get blood out of a stone?
Re: If public sector workers took 1 week holiday

I worked somewhere once where everyone worked a day for charity once a year, get everyone to contribute one days salary not just public sector but everyone
Re: If public sector workers took 1 week holiday

Interesting idea.
Re: If public sector workers took 1 week holiday

The sick pay thing seems to be a problem with certain areas of the public sectors. There was an article in one of the newspapers not too long ago which gave some figures. It appear that with most public sector organisations, the sick leave rate is similar to the private sector and in many it is lower. The particular problem seems to be in the HSE and Prisons Service. With the HSE having so many employees - more than the remainder of the public service combined, it skews the average.
Re: If public sector workers took 1 week holiday

the only sick leave I have ever taken while being a public servant was when I was put on complete bedrest due to high blood pressure in pregnancy even then I came back once the blood pressure dropped a bit (even though doc would have signed me off) because I had so much work to do and knew no one would be covering for me when I was gone. I took more sick days when I was in private sector in the form of 3 days together because I got paid for them without a cert
Re: If public sector workers took 1 week holiday

The sick pay thing seems to be a problem with certain areas of the public sectors. There was an article in one of the newspapers not too long ago which gave some figures. It appear that with most public sector organisations, the sick leave rate is similar to the private sector and in many it is lower. The particular problem seems to be in the HSE and Prisons Service. With the HSE having so many employees - more than the remainder of the public service combined, it skews the average.

Oh it was in the papers......wow it must be true:rolleyes:
Re: If public sector workers took 1 week holiday

Is that median or mean? A huge amount of staff are on a LOT less than your figure of 47k, should someone earning 24-30k take a weeks unpaid leave? Would you?
Other companies have done this even the people who earned around the 24K mark,It amount's to around 11-12 euro or so a week, surely that is not to much to ask to save someone else's job and maybe even your own,Would you want someone to do that for you if it meant saving your job?
No Pain No gain
Re: If public sector workers took 1 week holiday

Other companies have done this even the people who earned around the 24K mark,It amount's to around 11-12 euro or so a week, surely that is not to much to ask to save someone else's job and maybe even your own,Would you want someone to do that for you if it meant saving your job?
No Pain No gain

Good post.
Re: If public sector workers took 1 week holiday

I understand that public sector workers on €24k or thereabout have difficult time, just as anyone else. But they still have their jobs and a guaranteed pay cheque at the end of the month unlike a lot of people in the private sector. Private sector workers have suffered so much with job losses, pay cuts, reduced hours, etc. and this applies to everyone from minimum wage employees to senior executives.

Personally I think it's unfair of public sector to constantly whinge and moan about the bad hand they've been dealt with the pension levy, spending cuts, etc. Over a hundred thousand private sector employees have it a lot worse at the moment.
Re: If public sector workers took 1 week holiday

Tell my relative who is already struggling to run a house on 24k gross as a clerical officer that she should take a week unpaid leave. Can you get blood out of a stone?
She's the only income in the house? If so I take it that she's getting welfare payments as well.
Re: If public sector workers took 1 week holiday

If the person referred to by shesells is single with no dependants, there are no Welfare payments she could qualify for as a working person.
Re: If public sector workers took 1 week holiday

If the person referred to by shesells is single with no dependants, there are no Welfare payments she could qualify for as a working person.

No, but if she's single with no dependants she should be alse to manage on €24'000.
I take it that she is renting as nobody on €24'000 would be stupid enough to think it's a good idea to buy... would they?
Re: If public sector workers took 1 week holiday

Is that median or mean? A huge amount of staff are on a LOT less than your figure of 47k, should someone earning 24-30k take a weeks unpaid leave? Would you?

That figure is indeed average.
In fact - the correct figure is 49k - not 47k as stated.

The average is 37k in the private sector.
If public sector workers took 1 week holiday unpaid, ..... would result in savings of 280 Million or so.......

Thousands of public service workers take unpaid parental and extended maternity leave every year already!

When you say public sector workers do you mean every category of employment or perhaps you mean just administration/clerical type workers?

For instance do you want junior hospital doctors to take 1 weeks unpaid leave? How about physios, laboratory scientists, nurses, radiographers etc.

If teachers were to take a 1 weeks unpaid leave would they take it all at the same time? Who would take their classes?
Re: If public sector workers took 1 week holiday

Oh it was in the papers......wow it must be true:rolleyes:

WHat kind of a statement is that?

It's one of the more ridiculous comments i've seen on this forum for quite a while.

WHat exactly are you saying?
That newspapers are under no circumstances ever to be trusted?

Are you seriously suggesting that you never once in all your life in the company of others brought up as a conversation topic or discussed an article you saw in a newspaper ?

Bizarre indeed.
Re: If public sector workers took 1 week holiday

No, but if she's single with no dependants she should be alse to manage on €24'000.
I take it that she is renting as nobody on €24'000 would be stupid enough to think it's a good idea to buy... would they?

Well there was an ad in the paper recently suggesting that those on €28k would be in a position to buy a €159,000 apartment (cheapest apartment in Dublin apparently). Sounded a bit hefty to me at nearly six times income but I imagine there's quite a few people out there on similar wages with mortgages of this size.
If teachers were to take a 1 weeks unpaid leave would they take it all at the same time? Who would take their classes?
During one of the many months that they are on holidays perhaps?
(If you put your hand out...)
Re: If public sector workers took 1 week holiday

Well there was an ad in the paper recently suggesting that those on €28k would be in a position to buy a €159,000 apartment (cheapest apartment in Dublin apparently). Sounded a bit hefty to me at nearly six times income but I imagine there's quite a few people out there on similar wages with mortgages of this size.
So there are quite a few stupid people... ye can't legislate for that.