I can't believe what plumbers charge!!!


Registered User
Got my boiler serviced and also needed two fittings at the pump changed. Service 96 Euros (fair enough), but for changing two fittings they charged me 85 Euros. Can you believe that! Took him 5 minutes to do. No wonder people go for nixers with that type of rip off!
He did, but those fittings weren't anything special, just pipe connectors that fit onto the pump. When I said to your man 85 Euros for two fittings? He said the minute they had to touch water it would cost that much.
Is that not partly the answer maybe?

They might look very 'standard' but if they are sealed to a certain spec or to withstand a certain pressure - after all, safety is paramount: it's a boiler not a waste pipe.
Agree with Sue and Cav.. something that make look small and cheap to you possible isn't cheap at all.
To change those valves they would have needed to drain down system, this would have been longer than a 5 minute job. the valves themselves cost under €20 for a pair.
They didn't have to drain the system, just had to drain it down 10 cm which he did in 2 minutes, then he changed the fittings, which took him about 5 minutes. I just thought it a bit rich that on top of the 95 Euros I was already paying for a service I was charged another 80 Euros for fittings - so if they cost 20 Euros, he basically charged me 60 Euros for a 10 min job - a bit steep in my books.
No wonder this country is a ripp off if people are just happy to accept any old price.
Petal, did you ask the plumber why the charges were so high? It seems that it was you who was happy to accept the price, not us!
I did ask and he said it had to do with working with the water. I had no choice but to accept it, as it was the company that installed the system, and I've been without hot water and heating for the last two days!. I was just letting off steam here and it would have made me feel better if people had agreed rather than trying to find reasons to justify the price. I'd say most companies would charge that, don't think it was this particular one, I just can't get over what they can charge... but it appears I'm the only one that thinks so!
The reason it was a 'high' price was because it wasn't a nixer. You also have to pay for the plumper's compliance bills and tax etc. It's the (mainly government) overheads that are high.
So €180 - €97 = 83. of that €83 about €10 is VAT. Now lets say he charged the valves at €20 inc mark up. this leaves €53 to actuallty change the valves. Part of the €53 goes towards income tax/PRSI etc.
I don't think you were ripped off, maybe slightly overcharged by €5 - €10 max.
Still though, it took him about 35-40 mins to service the boiler and for that they charge 95Euros. But for an additional job that took him about 10 min max he charges another 85 for what I thought should not be that much extra and to some degree part of the service. I suppose I had unrealistic expectations and in future will be prepared better for the shock.
Still though, it took him about 35-40 mins to service the boiler and for that they charge 95Euros. But for an additional job that took him about 10 min max he charges another 85 for what I thought should not be that much extra and to some degree part of the service. I suppose I had unrealistic expectations and in future will be prepared better for the shock.

I see where you coming from alright. If I were on a job and had to change valves I would have probably done it for less seeing as I was already there. (the reason I will never be a millionaire).

My advice to anyone dealing with a tradesperson is, If you are not happy about the price, question it, chances are it will be reduced, after all tradespeople will want your future custom and a happy customer recommending a service is priceless.
There is very little work involved in servicing a boiler. The cover is taken off the front, the interior of the boiler (Heat exchanger etc. is given a bit of a dusting and checked visually for leaks or any damage. Thats it!
So €180 - €97 = 83. of that €83 about €10 is VAT. Now lets say he charged the valves at €20 inc mark up. this leaves €53 to actuallty change the valves. Part of the €53 goes towards income tax/PRSI etc.
I don't think you were ripped off, maybe slightly overcharged by €5 - €10 max.

So €53 for a 10 minute job? This works out at about €300 per hour:eek:.
G.P.'s don't earn that much
There are people that post on here claiming the people on minimum wage get paid too much!