2006 1.6 Avensis, Aircon 57k What's it worth?


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My best friend is putting his missus's Toyota Avensis up for sale. They have 2 of them and he wants to buy an iQ with the money raised from the sale.

The car he wants to get rid of is an '06 Strata 1.6 with 57k on the clock. Last December he was offered 13k as a trade in from his local Toyota dealer on another Avensis. Today he was offered 9k by the same dealer on a new iQ.

I was wondering if he might not be better off to offer the car on one of the websites at a median price on the trade-in(s) offered and thus become a cash-buyer.

Any thoughts?
Seemingly you can buy a brand new diesel Avensis up North and have it on the road here for 20k so that might give you some idea.
He's said the same thing to me this afternoon but he's gnashing his teeth that he has to trade-in down south. Anyway that's his lot. So if a new one is 20k up north what would you expect a 2006 example to make down south?

I've no idea how to advise him on this one as it must be 10 years at least since I sold a second-hand car in Ireland and haven't lived there for 8 years.
TBH I couldn't even hazard a guess. Its practically impossible to shift a car privately here at the moment. I actually think that 9k as a trade in might not be so bad, better than trying to sell it for the next 6 months and getting nowhere while it decreases in value further. I'm not in the trade BTW, just a casual observer.

I notice a lot of 2008 Avensis going for about 17000 - 18000 euro. I suppose before Christmas the car was 2 years old and now its 3 years old and with car sales dropping and dropping the trade price is just going to keep getting less. I dont think your friend will find it easy to sell it on a car site, as the market is flooded with cars and he would have to really sell it at a bargain price. Tell him to try a few different dealers though, trade in prices can differ by a few thousand euro. Is you friend in Dublin? Also a lot of people who love the Avensis car are trading it in for the new model at the moment
Funny that this thread just got up-dated now! I've literally put the phone down to him and his local Co. Wicklow dealer is now offering him a 'deal' on an IQ worth 15k. He gives them the Avensis and 6800 Euro and he gets the IQ.

7200 Euro of a trade in on a car that they would look to sell on at in-and-around 12.5k
I know, it is rather pathetic, he really should ring around the dealers to get an idea. You really would be surprised how much they can differ. My Father has an 06 Avensis - I dont know what the mileage is on it but it isnt high. I might get him to call the place where we go to just to suss out how much they would offer him if he was trading it. Bearing in mind they know him quite well, there would be no messing. I'll keep you informed if I hear anything positive.
hi ancutza, not allowed to say too much. I found out some information that could be useful for your friend , but I m not allowed mention names or advertising. Could you send me a private message that I could reply to or something. Thanks