No claims bonus insured and making a claim.


Registered User
If you make a claim against your insurance and you have your no claims bonus insured do you lose out in any way? I know someone who had a small tip today and they are going to claim on their insurance and they have their no claims protected. She is just wondering is there any catches before she rings her insurance company and tells all...



PS She's insured with hibernian through an insurance broker if that makes any difference.
Shouldn't be any worries about NCB itself.

But insurance may increase at renewal and she will have to pay excess for the scrape (usually €200 or so)
Thanks very much for the reply Cavet. Just wondering why would they increase insurance if her ncb is protected?
They'll probably just find some excuse - she'll retain her NCB but the overall pre discount cost may have suddenly increased. But she can always shop around.
They'll probably just find some excuse - she'll retain her NCB but the overall pre discount cost may have suddenly increased. But she can always shop around.

No she can't (not easily), as it will still appear on cert (can't remember name) required by the other insurers to get the NCB. A few year ago my car was nicked (never to be seen again) from beside Garda HQ :rolleyes:. It stated in my insurance that a stolen car would not affect my “No Claims Discount”. So my cert read along the lines of Years No Claims 0, Car stolen.. cost xxxxx, date xxxx, No Claims Discount 70%. So my existing insurer still gave me the full discount, but I had trouble with changing insurers since I had 0 Years NCB.