Toyota Yaris 07 - Selling price.


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I have a little Yaris 07D with 40kilometres on the clock. Am thinking of changing and have the option of getting a v. good deal on a new car, but need to be a cash buyer.

Given that the car market is very poor at the moment, any ideas if a Yaris would sell privately.

I dont need to sell it, it is a grand little car, so if it turned out I would have to massively discount it to sell it, I would not bother changing it.
Personally, I think that's nuts.

Even if you get a good deal on the new car, have you worked out how much you will have lost on it once it reaches the Yaris's age?

I'm a big Yaris fan, a much under-rated and under-valued little gem of a car (and its a Toyota).
With how cheap it is now to bring a car in from the uk, i'm afraid you'll be in for a shock when you find how little its worth.. Bad times to be sellin a car..
Must look up on Carzone to see if it is worth my while.

Just be aware that those are askin prices.. Nobody is payin those prices.. Your best bet would be to stick it in the buy and sell and donedeal.. See what offers you get.. Personally i think you'll end up just keepin it. Its a fine car anyway
Very cheapest one on Carzone is €9750 for the base model. (Terra) Mine is Luna, I think. The rest sit around 11 or 12. Would be happy if I got 10 back. Might see what I can get.
Just as a small guide, if he's askin for 9750, text him with an offer of 8750, pretendin to be a buyer.. If he bites, then ya have a base price.. Dont think a higher spec yaris would command too much extra on the 2nd hand market.. Dont forget tho that the car you'll be buying will be the same.. Go in ridiculously low and start from there.. You will be surprised..
Just as a small guide, if he's askin for 9750, text him with an offer of 8750, pretendin to be a buyer.. If he bites, then ya have a base price...

Is this not a 'eckle bit mean......pretending to be a buyer! its probably stressful enough for the seller trying to sell his car in the current climate without false hope.....what goes around comes around.