Wet weather - again !


Registered User
Well and truly soaked this morning :mad:

Heard some crowd called weather action on Newstalk 'explaining' why our weather is so bad and from Sep 15th to the 30th would be very wet etc ...

The interviewer hadn't a clue ...Long term forecasters 'weatheraction' said something about jetstream shifting caused by something to do with magnetic fields .. Interviewer accepted that explanation at face value and asked 'so how did this affect the gulf stream' :rolleyes:
Weatheraction said '... it had nothing to do with global warming ...'

Some climatologist guy on RTE said '...its all to do with global warming ....'

Sorry rant over ... still wet ...
Whilst the weather is crap and depressing, I think many people forget that we are not really supposed to have particularly good weather.

We have been spoiled by spells of unbroken sunshine and the occasional good Summer in the past when people think "now this is the weather we should be getting" - it's not really.

Having said that, it is unusually bad this year. Wettest August since records began or something? :(
While the weather is bad and depressing we do not suffer extremes. No one drowns in floods or dies from drought.

That said, suicide is probably high.
Quit your moaning.
It's 16 degrees outside so it's very mild.

I walked to work, so did many others and lots of cyclists out too.
It might be wet but it's not even close to cold

As above, we don't get extremes which is great.
If we were getting snow in winter and 30 degrees plus in summer, you'd have something to complain about.

Only one group allowed to complain and that's the farmers ;)
The thing that really annoys me about this weather is that everybody keeps talking about it - everywhere I go, shop, post office, work, home I get the roll of the eyes and 'shocking weather isn't it' - it's actually not that shocking really after last summer - it's not particularly pleasant particularly for those that have to work in it but it's not like we are on the Med and it's completely unexpected!.
Quit your moaning.
It's 16 degrees outside so it's very mild.

I walked to work, so did many others and lots of cyclists out too.
It might be wet but it's not even close to cold

As above, we don't get extremes which is great.
If we were getting snow in winter and 30 degrees plus in summer, you'd have something to complain about.

Only one group allowed to complain and that's the farmers ;)

I would rather it be -5 degrees than having this rain. Its alot easier to keep warm than it is to keep dry! And I almost lost an eye with all the unbrellas.
do not suffer extremes.

You mean, "do not have proper seasons" ;) (just wet and windy most of the year). Sure there are no extremes of temperature, but I would say the frequency of rain, if not perhaps the total rainfall (ignoring the current summer) is extreme.

It's nice and sunny here in Zurich, by the way! In fact people here have been saying that the Summer here this year and last year weren't great (e.g. in June this year when it seemed to rain for most of the Euro 2008 championships) but even in "bad" summers, there will always be plenty of good days as well. And we get proper, cold winters too, great for winter sports. People of course complain about the weather here as well, (winter fog, lack of sun etc.) but when you come from Ireland, I find there's little really to complain about. I left Ireland about 3.5 years ago, and the weather was perhaps the main reason.
I would rather it be -5 degrees than having this rain. Its alot easier to keep warm than it is to keep dry! And I almost lost an eye with all the unbrellas.

Here here! I love getting soaked in the rain but only when I have a warm bath or shower lined up immediatly. Nothing worse than going about your day damp (as I am now). As for the kids at school? in ours we have teachers patrolling the corridors with mops on rainy mornings to ensure the wee ones don't slip and a queue a mile long at the driers to get socks and jumpers dry- some parent don't put coats on kids even on days like today never mind a change of clothes in a bag "just in case". :rolleyes:
And I almost lost an eye with all the unbrellas.

Let me be the first to call for a ban on short people using umbrellas.
Lethal I tell ya!

What's worse is if they just angle it in front of them and speed up the street scattering people around them.
Wait until the darkness descends next month.....then we get it from every angle.
Oh what a happy thread this has turned out to be! To put it in perspective - what benefit is great weather if you don't have your health!
Rainfall is certainly above average for the past 2 months and I think Leinster is bearing the brunt of it and is not as used to heavy rainfall as us down west.

However, the weekend was nice. Dry and mild. I dont mind rain too much but I alway try to make hay when the sun shines and I made the most of the weekend. What did you do ? What did you do ? A lot of people moan about the rain and when the rain stops, they moan some more.

I am at work now so it can rain away.
Are ye not disappointed ye couldn't head out to yer field of thistles at the weekend Teabag? :D One frustrating thing about all this rain is if you're trying to get some work done around the house - we have been trying to get some things done for the past 7 weeks now but have been delayed because of all the rain - it is a job that could have been done in about 6 dry days! Not to mention trying to tackle the jungle of grass every dry spell!! But as others have said, it could be a lot worse so stay positive!! ;)
Are ye not disappointed ye couldn't head out to yer field of thistles at the weekend Teabag? :D

Naw, I've had a fair amount of naked thistle gazing this summer so I wasn't too put out.

I did get naked momentarily at a secluded rocky beach when putting on my wetsuit to go snorkeling. Twas a lovely snorkle too. The water was a tad chilly despite the wetsuit but a timely urination soon heated me up...
And Hurricane Hanna is going to give us one last blow ;) and p*ss on us on Thursday before she goes away !!
The thing that really annoys me about this weather is that everybody keeps talking about it - everywhere I go, shop, post office, work, home I get the roll of the eyes and 'shocking weather isn't it' - it's actually not that shocking really after last summer - it's not particularly pleasant particularly for those that have to work in it but it's not like we are on the Med and it's completely unexpected!.

You could always disagree with them. That would spark a conversation