if u were a member of the opposite sex for a day?


Registered User
What wud u do?...besides the obvious :)


i would grow a beard.
i would pick a fight with my ex. :)
i would go for the same job interview as both me and mr me....

Any other ideas???
I would lie on the couch scratching my nads for about two hours while watching ice road truckers and dangerous catch! - Mr Ney seems to think it's a good way to spend your time! :D
I'd probably spend so long inspecting myself and jiggling that I'd have no time to do very much really.
Apologies :)

Id like to do stuff like riding a bike and seeing how different it felt as a man.

ooohhh....Id definitely try having a shave.
I'd drive a Mini Cooper S convertible top down with blonde hair blowing in the wind Thelma & Louise style. ( well guy's cant drive Mini convertibles can they )
i would love to be able to jump out of shower, slap on the gel and out the door!!! that wud be a joy!!!
oh - not having to put on the slap to go out - i like it!!

Could I be a man for more than a day? Id like to try out growing a beard.
yes...the rules can change!!! id find my quietest friend that always says '' nothing happened'' haha!! see how much of a quiet girl she really is haha! :D
do people know im me in a male form? or am i a new male on the scene? cos if im new i might chat up some of my female friends and see what theyre like to guys :)
Id say new, if u in a male form, then men who fancy u or find u attratcive....mite find strange urges for u hahaha!!! thats not fair on them haha!!!
Assuming my husband would also be a member of the opposite sex for a day, I would send my "wife" off on a day out to get a haircut, shop for a new dress and high heels, and to the beauticians for waxing, lots of waxing! And then just before we go out I'd pace around downstairs (glass of beer in hand) shouting up have you not got your makeup done yet, the taxi'll be here any minute. And then when asked "Do I look alright?" say "Yeah, fine, come on, let's go" :D
Id definitely go stand outdoors somewhere and pee standing up.

You mean you can't do that already? ;)

I'd love the simple things, dinner cooked, shirt ironed, coffee cups lifted, all by someone who wasn't me.

Possibly a strange one, but I'd love to be able to swear without feeling guilty. Not overly much just a wee discreet one here and there.
I would:
Drive while putting on make-up/lipstick,
walk into a nightclub and get free drinks all night,
order a large Big Mac Meal & a DIET Coke,
expect doors to be held open for me and not thank the person holding it,
give sneering (you're not good enough for me) looks at anyone who looked at me,
eat a bar of Galaxy to see what all the fuss about chocolate is,
call for help from big strong man if I saw a spider


I'd just have a loooong bath :)