Main Driver on more than one car


Registered User
Is it possible to be the main driver insured on 2 cars? My 18 year old brother has a full licence and is currently a named driver on my Dad's car. As insurance is really expensive for his age group is there any law against my dad being insured as the main driver of his own car and on any car my brother may buy?
If your brother is going to be the main user of the vehicle he will have to declared so on the proposal form. If it came to light in the event of a claim that your father wasnt the main user and had his own insurance elsewhere you may not be covered. Honesty is best policy when completing proposal forms as you may regret it later.
Sorry just re read post didnt mean to imply you werent being honest in the 1st place. Just that if main user should go down as same on policy document.
Is it possible to be the main driver insured on 2 cars?
Yes. Although you can only use your no claims bonus (NCB) on one car, so the insurance on the second would be high (at least high relative to the normal insurance being paid)

As insurance is really expensive for his age group is there any law against my dad being insured as the main driver of his own car and on any car my brother may buy?
Technically there is no law against this (your father can be the main driver on two cars and your brother can be a named driver on either/both), but it may/would invalidate the insurance as detailed by tester1 if it was a case where the main driver detailed on the insurance was not the main driver of the car. (I've no idea how an insurance company would prove this, but I'm sure they have plenty of ways to do it)

I certainly wouldn't go down the route of insurance fraud to try and save a few euro, it could prove very counter productive. As an aside, unless your brother is gaining NCB for his time as a named driver he's nearly as well off to start building up his NCB now. Without the NCB reductions insurance is pretty expensive at any age.
I am insured on four vechiles as main driver, one of these is my wife's car and she is named driver, although my name has to be registered owner to be main driver, AFAIK
Thanks for the replies. I figured it would probably be frowned upon but I thought I'd ask the question.
I am insured on four vechiles as main driver, one of these is my wife's car and she is named driver, although my name has to be registered owner to be main driver, AFAIK

I think you are a little confused there - you can be the insured and registered owner (well you have to be anyway) on as many vehicles as you wish, just means you will only be able to use your NCB once (well there is no stopping you from using your NCB on other policies (with different companies) just that you will not be disclosing material information, ie. main user issue.