Petrol/diesel price rises


Registered User
I am wondering if the price is ever going to settle for more than a week on this, and if the Gov has any plans to intervene and help us, the public, out.

Surely in any economy the price of fuel can't continue to rise the way it has recently?

I have been watching my local forecourts over the last few months and noting rises. In the last month alone there has been 2 rises per week. Unleaded is currently at 132c per litre.

This type of rise simply isn't sustainable in an economy that is on the verge of recession. Do the powers that be not realise that Joe Public, faced with rising fuel (and food) prices, is going to stop spending on non-essentials, and when hundreds of thousands do it together then the economy is ****ed.

And I wonder how the taxi drivers and haulage companies are surviving at all? Or any company that has to buy large quantities of fuel.

And with reports saying that oil will be at $200 per barrel by July, I think its time that the Gov did something about it NOW.
The rise in the price of oil is completly out of the Governments control, it is decided by the markets.

Therefore the only action the government can take is on the amount of tax etc which they levy on fuel. I don't know what the exact % is, but there would be 2 potential issues if they reduced it

Firstly there would be a drop in tax income to the government at a time when revenue from other sources such as housing stamp duty has declined, therefore there is a disincentive for the govt to do this

Secondly, does anyone trust the oil companies and petrol retailers to pass through such savings. They are very quick to put up prices but even when the price drops back for a few days, they don't seem as quick to put prices back down

the only possible avantage of the current situation is if it means people will start making fewer unnecessary journies and makes fuel guzzling SUVs a lot more unattractive for people to use. That would be good for the environement and traffic and safety given the amount of SUV drivers who don't know how to drive properly

At least we should be thankful we are not in Northern Ireland where fuel is much dearer
wait until they introduce carbon tax. Don't be fooled by the new v.r.t system. They can very easily put on a tax say for Nox emissions which diesels emit more so. look at the toll bridge €2.00 why not €4.00? A higher disposal tax on tyres, or whats to stop them in the future from making us pay per kilometer and having cars fitted with some sort of satellite tracking? The cheapest way I think now at this stage is to get a weekly bus ticket and sleep on your way to work! Most of the high diesel prices are related to over production of petrol, and are now having to catch up. + demand is High. It will come down for a short while, But it will go up and down faster than a quare ones dirty knickers from now on! With higher prices all the time!
Or any company that has to buy large quantities of fuel.

One would presume any company who's core business is dependent on large quantities or fuel takes a hedge against the rising cost.
The oil isn't the problem.
Coopers are a dying trade so it's the barrels that cost $100.
I saw one place yesterday diesel at 148.9 it is now cheaper for me to get the bus to work, car hasnt moved all week. thinking of selling only i have a child and need it for trips etc!
Blueshoes the bus is always the cheaper way to travel. Tax,Insurance, car repaymets. Never mind the fuel! No offence but can you bring the child on the bus? can't be that bad? I don't have kids so I wouldn't know! Seems car travel might become too expensive in the future anyway!