Allen Carr - Stopping smoking

Well Im hoping Ive got the right ingredients, I do enjoy smoking but I know its bad for me, I dont like 'having' to smoke, Im not in denial about having an addiction.

But I suspect I bought a second hand copy of that book before and just hid it somewhere I wouldnt have to look at it and avoided reading it!!!!

It will work for sure. He even encourages people to smoke while they are reading the book.
I remember one line where he said never to think of quitting smoking as "giving up smoking" because you are not giving up anything - you are stopping a filthy habit in return for good health and eternal happiness...or something similar... :)
the book worked on me for a week. i read it again, it worked for another week. I got the DVD and now I'm smoking three times as much as I was.

beware, if you get the book, keep with it as it is very drawn out and very very repetitive. don't start and stop as its a sure way to fail. read that book and no other until it's finished.

its common sense, we all know why we should stop but he puts it in a way that actually makes you look stupid for smoking.
beware, if you get the book, keep with it as it is very drawn out and very very repetitive.

You're right there gongey, I found it very repetitive. Thats why I felt brain-washed in the end. No harm in a bit of brain-washing if it gets the point across though......
If this book is that good for giving up smoking please tell me he wrote another book ,equally as good, for giving up chocolate and cakes and ice cream etc... Go on make my day :D
You're not too far wrong, actually. :D

IMHO Easyway Inc. has since become something of an 'industry' since, with the usual glossy marketing and celebrity endorsements.

But that's not to take anything away from Allen Carr himself, or the validity of his method. Hell, the tobacco companies had plenty of years of glossy marketing and celebrity endorsements, and (some would say) still enjoy very powerful political and corporate support.
Just thought Id resurrect this thread to tell you all that after hiding that copy of the Allen Carr book since May 2008 :eek:, I read it at the end of December and have been off the fags since New Years Day.

So another recommendation for it :)