the old red driving license


Registered User
do people remember these,, i had one and under the new type i just have the car and tractor class,

Question,, coz i had the old one would i be entitled to the car and trailer,, is there some grandfather rights with the old one,,

seems very importand now to have a license for a trailer, as building a house now , i will have a trailer on occassionally
AFAIK class B is car & E+B is car & trailer. If you have E+ the other classes then you're licensed for a trailer. Mine is a 1979 licence originally & have them all, motorbikes, small trucks etc.
right now i just have B, which is the car,, think that covers tractor automatically,,,, so not sure what i had on old one,,,

not that old though to have gotten all of them
right now i just have B, which is the car,, think that covers tractor automatically,,,, so not sure what i had on old one,,,

not that old though to have gotten all of them

If you had trailers on the old one then you would have retained that I'd expect as did I.

Are you saying I'm "that old " ;)
I know that the last time when I renewed my ten year licence I had to have a "medical" for to retain the extra classes... otherwise I would have just been issued with a standard B licence.

I have B, C E+B, E+C1 currently. I did my test at 17 ... just a few years ago;)
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The class you require for tractors is "W" - it's separate to B and E+ (the trailers) on licences.
The old licenses were great, my own mother got a free one in the 50's, they just wrote in and got them I understand. Met a guy at the Carrick Hillclimb on Saturday that had one with him actually, he also told me that he heard pics and video of the event would be put up on this new site that he's got a profile page on. Looking forward to that, there were some lovely old machines came up the hill, well dome to Carrick on the 50th year too!!