Funny sound from Opel Corsa


Registered User
My wife has a '96 opel corsa Eco 1.2l with 111k on the clock.

In the last week or so there has been a bit of a funny noise coming from the engine. Its a bit hard to describe but its kinda like a ticking or knocking noise. I have only listeded to it last night, and she tells me it was worse before!

Anybody any suggestions or diagnoses. My own feeling is that it may be the timing belt, but my knowledge of cars is very little so...

Thanks in advance.
It may be another belt or a belt tensioner (spring) that's broken. Whatever, any further driving might result in a belt going completely which could render the car a write-off! Get a mechaninc to look at it.
Took your advice Welfarite. The mrs took the car into the local garage today. He's going to replace the timing belt and water pump next monday.

€260 he quoted. Thought it was going to be worse than that. I paid almost €600 last year for the same job in a renault megane!