Missed NCT for 2 Years



If you miss NCT for 2 years can you still do one ?

I know car should not have been on the road without NCT but got away with it !

i.e Nct was due feb 06 never got it done can I get one now for the next 2 years ?
I imagine if you write to them they will accomodate you. My car is due the test next month and I've not got notice from them. A few pople I know have not had any notice either ........ some as far back as last November. Is the onus now on the car owner?:confused:
It will cost you an extra €26.00 on top of the €49.00 you have to pay for the missed test. That's all it is.
I imagine if you write to them they will accomodate you. My car is due the test next month and I've not got notice from them. A few pople I know have not had any notice either ........ some as far back as last November. Is the onus now on the car owner?:confused:

Onus is on the owner. Mine and other halfs NCTs are due next month. Neither of us got a notice but knew they were up so booked the test.
Nct was due feb 06 never got it done can I get one now for the next 2 years ?

It will cost you an extra €26.00 on top of the €49.00 you have to pay for the missed test. That's all it is.

Does the €26 fee apply whether or not you were advised of the test date ie are you penalised for not having the test done or for not turning up for an appointment?
I'm not sure, but I brought a car back to Ireland from the UK and registered it here late 2007. According to the age of the car, it should have been N.C.T.'d in August 2006 initially (but it was then in the UK, so obviously it couldn't have been). So what I've had to do is to N.C.T it now, and pay the full amount, and I'll need to re-N.C.T. it in August, and again pay the full amount(€98 in total), so 2 N.C.T.s in 6 months on the same car, and no way around it it seems

my a6 is july 99, cleared it in jan 06,, took it for nct and its due in july 09..so in fact i got a littlle over 24 months on mine,,

cars can be retested up to 3 months before the test is due,,,