Addressing your mum/ mam/ mother


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Had this discussion last night with some friends on how people address their mother...

Some felt that Mam was more commonly used than Mum but others thought differently so just wondering what version people used?
We have always called our father by his first name. The word "Dad" has never been used in our household.

I don't like Mum or Mummy - too English.
I've always said Mam. I don't like the word Mum but it seems to be more common now than it was when I was growing up.
Have always been a 'mum' person - but would agree that it can sound very English.

Certainly don't use 'mummy' though. Don't like both 'mam' and especially 'mammy' as I think they sound unbelievably childish. 'Mother' sounds way too formal and I've always found the first name thing a bit distant or something.
I call mine Mam and always have done.

I have a friend who calls her mam by her first name and I hate it, its like they're trying to be friends and not mother & daughter.

I've found recently though that my nieces/nephews are calling my sisters Mom!
I think its the American influence on the sitcoms on the likes of Nickleodeon and other such kids channels.
"Mammy" and "daddy" during childhood. "Ma" and "da" from the teenage years much to their chagrin. :)

I've noticed that when reading many books to our two year old I find myself automatically translating "mum", "mummy" etc. to "mammy". :eek:
I called her Mammy when I was a child, then later Mum or Mom (horrible American imitation phase I went through as a teenager). Occasionally use Momma in a jokey way. Mostly I call her by her name though - I used to work for her and hated calling her Mum at work because it sounded so unprofessional. Plus she's my friend as well as my mother so it kind of suits us.

My father is Dad or Daddy but he refers to himself as Poppa for some obscure reason - it's the source of the Momma name as well. I also call him old man and parental unit (male).
Mammy and Daddy til I was about 10, Mam and Dad since then. Was never a fan of "mum", don't know what it is....
I'm a little surprised at the relatively strong opinions on this (I include myself here)

Those who use 'mam' seem to have a fairly strong dislike for 'mum' and vice versa.

What's going on? Could this be (shudder of apprehension) a class thing?
Its worse when husbands and wives call each other Mammy or Daddy...
e.g "Mammy come quick, precious needs her nappy changed"