Affordable Housing with Fingal Co Co

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi Oilpainting, got your message earlier, sent you a private message back.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

The booking deposit is taken out of the overall price/deposit, right??
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

yeah, you pay the 3k first, the the balance of your 3% deposit after!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

its just that nothing is made clear really!! everyone seems totally confused:)
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Yeah I think they like that, the documentation includes all the various schemes, AHI, AH, Shared..ahhhh one book for both please!!!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I got app too to view martello next thursday. Do you know how many properties there are left and how many people viewing? I forgot to ask when he called. went up and had a look last night. they're small enough, would love to have got a peak at the bedrooms. any way i'll find out thursday. what time is your appointment?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi Guys,

As I said I just live around the corner from Martello and I was up there last night on one of my walks. One of the houses on the terrace has a large pool of water in the sitting room and the water is leaking from the ceilling above.

I called the after-hours Fingal emergancy number to let them know but they didn't seem to think that Martello was one of their properties. (Maybe builder is still the owner at this stage). I think I persuded them to go out and try sort it as it may be coming from the tank which would make the bedroom wrecked also.

I will ring the sales office ater 9am also to make them aware.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Dellie fair play to you.
I had a walk up around there yesterday too,didn't notice the leak but reminds me of early days in my house!
I did notice that in the left most of the 2 affordable housing cul de sacs that some one has dumped some old bikes and rubbish at the end of the road:(
Are the sitting rooms in the 3 beds big?Haven't seen them due to walls and gates;)
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

thats sounds worrying!
I wouldn't be worrying too much about that. There have been previous threads with complaints about structural problems etc that always get sorted after snag. At least with a council property you can expect that any problems you have will get sortef before you move in. I've heard that Fingal are quite sticky about standard of their properties. Wouldn't let it put me off just yet anyway.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Just on another note..from correspondace with Fingal does anyone know what areas/developments are coming up next/soon...
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Did you read the write up in the Sunday Business POST on Sunday, all about the affordable housing & the properties/waiting lists available
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

thats sounds worrying!

I don't think so,I had problems with leaks after I moved in,those houses still have to be snagged by the council so I reckon it is better that they are happening now.
Not sure if both sets of houses had the same builders though.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Yeah i suppose your right. Really hope i get one. viewing on thursday at 1.15pm. drove up. they look lovely, little on the small side but the estate looks nice.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Does anyone know what is the average cost for doing the snag?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

around 250 for a professional snag with a callback to check work


Many thanks for your reply, I though /told it is around 2000 Euro.

So, at Most it would be 300-500 eur, right?

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal


Many thanks for your reply, I though /told it is around 2000 Euro.

So, at Most it would be 300-500 eur, right?


well - have a look at the following companies/websites: (250 for a 3 bed appt) (150 for an appt in dublin) (250 for 2 bed appt with a callback) (250/300 for a 2 bed appt with callback) (250 for 2 bed appt)

i have no personal experience of the above myself so i cant reccomend one - obviously a lot of peole ask someone they know to do one but i will be getting a professional one done as i will feel less obliged and probably a little bit more demanding and dont feel meam about having to ask a friend to do a checkup on the work

any other advice would be welcome as i will bew getting mine done very soon