Self Service Checkouts in Tescos


Registered User
Why do people use these when its obvious that they have more than 15 items in their basket ? Yesterday evening the queues due to a combination of overloaded baskets and slow scanning were just ridiculous..
Why do people use these when its obvious that they have more than 15 items in their basket ? Yesterday evening the queues due to a combination of overloaded baskets and slow scanning were just ridiculous..

My wife loves them, but I hate them with avengeance. They are slower than going to a cashier. Once I had to wait almost 40 mins, after one got stuck in a loop looking for my club card (they told me there is a known bug handling the 'barcode' Club Cards). I had entered about 10 euro of vouchers and was not going to let them go..!! After the system was rebooted and vouchers were extracted, several times (1 of the vouchers kept put the system in a loop), it would not print a receipt, so I had to wait even longer one to be printed from the office!

they are the crappiest system ever invented - the Tesco ones that is. Superquinn ones work a little better. It is easier when you run into scanning problems to assume the product has scanned and put it in your bag!

Edit: I don't condone theft. Only honest mistakes!
Agree. Used them twice and never again. I put the first time down to my unfamiliarity, but cashiers are much faster, as the machine is likely to raise all sorts of exceptions that require intervention by an employee anyway.
the machine is likely to raise all sorts of exceptions that require intervention by an employee anyway.

Yes, but in my local tesco, there are 3 self service checkouts and one employee seems to be able to attend to all 3. Without self service that would have needed 3 employees. The few times I used them, as I was paying by laser, a cashier had to get me to sign the slip. they seem not to be chip and pin enabled. How will that work come 17th March?
Why do people use these when its obvious that they have more than 15 items in their basket ? Yesterday evening the queues due to a combination of overloaded baskets and slow scanning were just ridiculous..

A few weeks ago I was at the express checkout in Superquinn, Dundalk. The sign said "about 10 items". The woman in front of me had " about 40". I obviously had little to do, because I counted them!
where i live there is a tesco mini-market. the used to have 4 manned tills. Now they have 1 and 3 self-scan.

I find them ok if only buying a couple of items and its usually quite quick as queue's are all for the manned till. However if you have a lot of items they can be quite annoying mostly due to fact that you cannot scan multiple items in one go. a terrible when you're only stopping in for 10/15 of the best! I usually get in the queue for the manned till with the other fear-heads!
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Yes, but in my local tesco, there are 3 self service checkouts and one employee seems to be able to attend to all 3. Without self service that would have needed 3 employees. The few times I used them, as I was paying by laser, a cashier had to get me to sign the slip. they seem not to be chip and pin enabled. How will that work come 17th March?

Not quite that simple. That one cashier will put the stuff through much faster than the punter will.....
I use the ones in Tesco Rathmines and they work really well when people know what they're at.

I reserve a particular ire however for the following:

1. Elderly women - don't use them. Ageist I know but true. Actually, elderly men are much better.
2. Power dressed Women on phones - not the place to stop and have a chat.
3. People who insist on using one hand only - its easier and more efficient if you devote all your energy to scanning and packing your goods.
4. Parents with small children who allow s.c's to play with the scanners. So educational. Aaaaaaaaaargh.

I agree. I tried scanning my groceries on an elderly woman once and it didn't work at all. What a rip off!
Oh come on Clubman - what do you expect - did you check first if she was wearing a stripey shirt?

Women with babies and toddlers and handbags and changing bags hanging off them are even worse. And I should know...
Not quite that simple. That one cashier will put the stuff through much faster than the punter will.....

My point was not about the speed of the self service area, it was the fact that the 1 person could attend to 3 checkouts, where before self service 3 staff were needed to cover the same 3 checkouts.
It's one of the best places I know of to get rid of a wallet full of small change. 2nd only to the M50 Toll bridge operators and it looks like I'll be losing them soon, every silver cloud has a lead lining.

People that swipe the item through the scanner in rapid, jerky movements and then after they've given up it scans straight away because they hold it steady for a second while looking around for assistance.
I don't trust these self-service machines for giving the proper change. Mine was short of a tenner once and when I checked with the assistant she called the supervisor who agreed eventually that I should be given the money from a separate till.

The person behind me in the queue mentioned that the machine sometimes doesn't release the notes and proceeded to produce it from high up inside the machine.
A few days ago a machine gave me the coin but not the note part of change from a €20 note. I complained and was given change from a central till without any quibbles. First time that's happened but other problems frequently happen like credit/debit cards not being read on first attempt or items getting stuck on the belt. I think it weighs the items and stops if they seem too heavy.