Raisin Bank: Video Call Identification Issues


Registered User

Anyone having/had problems carrying out the Video Call identification process with Raisin

Have tried this a few times with them today using my mobile and it either doesnt work at all or fails at the last step

The various customer service agents have spoken too havent been that helpful basically saying things like there are network problems on our side, or try again later or your doing something wrong on your side

Anyone had/having this experience too and how did you get it resolved or is that step mandatory or optional or are folks doing this proces via their laptops

Thanks ClubMan

I go through the process with them and at the end when they send you on the 6 digit code via SMS - when i enter it in and select Confirm - they agent telling me that they cant finish the identification process because they not getting confirmation on their side for the 6 digit code i have entered in and selected confirm for

On my mobile i seeing a message saying "Identification Finishing" but i cannot click back on that message to re-enter a new code - it all seems to freeze and have to cancel the process

The agents answer is either call back in a few mins and we will try again or saying im doing something wrong on my side

I wonder if it might be some app permissions issue such that when you click Confirm it doesn't actually send the confirmation?
Maybe this is too technical but perhaps try removing all permissions granted to the Raisin app and then letting it prompt for what it needs again?
Or is it possible to do this process on a PC instead of the phone in case that makes any difference?
(I'm not familiar with the Raisin service/app/processes etc. unfortunately).
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I wonder if it might be some app permissions issue such that when you clock Confirm it doesn't actually send the confirmation?
Maybe this is too technical but perhaps try removing all permissions granted to the Raisin app and then letting it prompt for what it needs again?
Or is it possible to do this process on a PC instead of the phone in case that makes any difference?
(I'm not familiar with the Raisin service/app/processes etc. unfortunately).
Thanks @ClubMan - I'll try that and if still not working will try again in laptop. Thanks