Housing crisis? I wonder..


Registered User
Newly renovated property advertised for rent: mid way between highest and lowest for the locality.

Good location, transport links, facilities etc

53 responses to advert. 30 or so discarded as they clearly didn't read the details, weren't based in Ireland, or were language students.

Remaining 20+ were asked to confirm employment status. Not looking for references at this point, just tell me you are gainfully employed.

2 replied; one viewed, one no-show.

I know I'll have the property let in the next week or so & I'm just frustrated at the timewasters.

But you would have to be aware that having a job is a basic when you want to rent.

Update: this is a house share.
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There are more grounds since the 2015 amendment.

In many cases, lack of employment could be directly related to the 'housing assistance' ground.

Genuinely trying to help you avoid a potentially costly mistake. Landlord organisations agree with me:
... any of the following inclusions may indicate an intention to discriminate:
  • ...
  • ‘professionals only’
  • ’would suit professionals’
  • ‘work/professional references required’
Other forms of Discrimination:
  • Refusing to let an applicant look at the property based on one of the grounds.
  • Refusing to rent the property to an applicant based on one of the grounds.
  • Refusing to accept rent supplement or housing assistance payments.
  • Refusing to complete the necessary forms to enable a tenant receive rent supplement or housing assistance payments.
  • Including discriminatory terms or conditions in leases or other tenancy agreements, whether written down or spoken.
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There are more grounds since the 2015 amendment.

In many cases, lack of employment could be directly related to the 'housing assistance' ground.

Genuinely trying to help you avoid a potentially costly mistake. Landlord organisations agree with me:
When I read the initial post, it's exactly what I wondered. The question could be I think seen as indicating an intention to discriminate particularly in link with the last remark.
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Am aware thank you.

There was no 'refusal' on the grounds stated.

emails that say "I am in Brazil / Outer Mongolia / where ever, and one day I would love to visit your beautiful country" can I think be ditched without fear or favour.

As can the ones that say " I am looking to rent a country cottage" when you are offering a city apartment.

Or "I need a four bedroom house", when the ad clearly says otherwise.

Have plenty more examples, but I won't bore you.
Glad you are aware, this suggested otherwise
Not looking for references at this point, just tell me you are gainfully employed.
... having a job is a basic when you want to rent

Agreed the advance payment fraud and other scam emails can be safely ditched.
From your link:

It is not discriminatory for a landlord to refuse to let an applicant rent a property if an applicant cannot afford the rent.
When I read the initial post, it's exactly what I wondered. The question could be I think seen as indicating an intention to discriminate particularly in link with the last remark.
On the contrary, its a question to ensure the rent is affordable.

In any event - this is for a house share - I realise now I didn't put that in my original post, will update.
It's your property and you believe you are entitled to know thier employment status. Its thier money as they are paying rent every month and they believe they are entitled of prprivacy. Why upset ?
It's your property and you believe you are entitled to know thier employment status. Its thier money as they are paying rent every month and they believe they are entitled of prprivacy. Why upset ?
Not sure I understand the question.
So the housing crisis is over because it's taking one choosy landlord a few days to let? That's great. How about tackling the health service next?
Sure why not pretty sure I can sort out several issues at the same time..

how about the health service will treat sick people,

Or banks will lend money to people who can demonstrate the ability to repay.

Or medical staff have to pass exams to ensure they are qualified.

just like property owners will let to people who can pay rent.

Update: this is a house share.
Well I presume if it is a house share then the other residents are probably working, I think if one resident is not working it causes hostility because that person is deemed to be using more of the resources of the property as they are there all day , similar situation for people working from home not condusive to house shares
@joe sod Not entirely sure what all that is about.

In any event, the point of it being a house share:

There are exemptions. Some apply to all the main grounds covered by Act, others are more specific.
  • A person’s home: If the accommodation is in a private home, the lodger is not covered by the Act."
Following on from my post of 18 months ago.

Different property but much the same response; discard half the emails as they are not in the country, tyre kicking etc

Offered a choice of days to view, confirmed time by email, included maps / street view. Text message reminder follow up.

And again 75% no shows.
Different property but much the same response; discard half the emails as they are not in the country, tyre kicking etc
Serious question: do you think some of these are bots?

I would imagine that (unfortunately) it's pretty easy to generate these at scale and even if one landlord in ten thousand gets sucked into a scam it could pay off.
some of these are bots?
It's possible of course, generally you can sus the tyre kickers.

I always ask viewers to bring photo id to confirm bona fides, so the expectation is set before they arrive; and before anyone asks, I show viewers my ID also - plenty of scams in the other direction as well.

Other than setting up a time slot , I don't do much else until I've met / verified / made calls. So if they don't turn up to the viewing slot, they go on my declined list.
Discriminating against the chronologically disabled! Just because I miss a viewing doesn't mean I'll miss rent. ;)