European Parliament Elections

Niall Boylan has benefited hugely from transfers throughout, 8978 so far, compared with, say Barry Andrews, 1719 and Regina Doherty 1165.

The elimination of the latest two candidates, Phillip Dwyer (IFP) gave him 1706 and a whopping 4494 from Malachy Steenson (I).

The elimination of Daithí Doolin (SF) with 11822 votes should see Lynn Boylan as the main beneficiary.

It will be interesting to see how the 13903 votes of Aisling Considine (AON) will be distributed.
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Niall boylan still getting big transfers and now 4th just behind Lynn boylan but way ahead of the pack, he looks like getting elected
Niall boylan still getting big transfers and now 4th just behind Lynn boylan but way ahead of the pack, he looks like getting elected
Can't see him falling at the final fence, he's almost 10k ahead of Cuffe and huge blue water betwixt him and Daly.
When SF review their performance in these elections they might want to consider the wisdom of their leader insulting the electorate who didn't vote for them for thinking SF was in power.
It's so comically tragic, Mary lou and the army council didn't run enough in 2019 and over compensated in 2024 and ran so msny they cannibalised each other.

Time for a change of leader. Most people I know find her difficult to like, she's like a bag of briars.Same old tetchy bitter soundbites delivered in that strange nasally accent.

That finance fella Pearse Doherty would be much more attractive to voters..
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When SF review their performance in these elections they might want to consider the wisdom of their leader insulting the electorate who didn't vote for them for thinking SF was in power.
Are SF even in 'opposition' in local government councils... what does it mean !

Speaking out of both sides of their mouth and trying to straddle two horses can only be sustained for so long.
That finance fella Pearse Doherty would be much more attractive to voters..
Way too Nordie for many voters from the "Soith". Every time he speaks there's an echo of the lads from Belfast who are really running the party. Mary Lou is very annoying and didactic and condescending and all that but she's very smart and hard working and she also doesn't have any blood on her hands (though she'll apologise for and carry the coffins of those who do).
Speaking out of both sides of their mouth and trying to straddle two horses can only be sustained for so long.
That's the key point; their traditional support is from a die hard republican tradition with a sectarian background that breeds racism and homophobia but they have also garnered the support of young urban liberals who would have traditionally voted Labour. They can't fool all their supporters all of the time. Their star attraction is Eoin O'Broin but he's a one trick pony who, with the support of the left wing media, has peddled the narrative that our housing problems have been caused by the Government and can be fixed better and faster by a different government.

Their traditional requirement that their councillors do that job full time meant that the quality of their local representatives was, to put it mildly, not great. That meant that there weren't many who were suitable to run in a national election. The performance of their current crop of TD's, outside of their three star players, bears that out.

I think Mary Lou is the best they have.
republican tradition with a sectarian background that breeds racism and homophobia

The Republican tradition is based on the idea of 'Uniting Catholic Protestant and Dissenter'. That's why SF attractes voters who support the integration of immigrants.
Cribbing from Gavan Reilly on Twitter:

Clare Daly eliminated. Nearly 40k votes in circulation. L Boylan now safe. AOR overtakes Cuffe, and is 3k behind N Boylan.

Cribbing from Gavan Reilly on Twitter:

Clare Daly eliminated. Nearly 40k votes in circulation. L Boylan now safe. AOR overtakes Cuffe, and is 3k behind N Boylan.

I'd put Aodhán as favourite for the last seat.

Daly's votes will probably favour N Boylan and L Boylan but not enough to N Boylan to counteract a strong transfer from Cuffe to O Ríordáin on the next elimination as I can't see many GP votes suddenly take a sharp right turn.

Similarly if Cuffe gets ahead of O'Ríordáin. Then Cuffe probably favourite by a nose
I'd put Aodhán as favourite for the last seat.

Daly's votes will probably favour N Boylan and L Boylan but not enough to N Boylan to counteract a strong transfer from Cuffe to O Ríordáin on the next elimination as I can't see many GP votes suddenly take a sharp right turn.

Similarly if Cuffe gets ahead of O'Ríordáin. Then Cuffe probably favourite by a nose
Actually just reading Cuffe eliminated, so you'd expect AOR to get more transfers from Cuffe and overhaul Niall Boylan's 2500 lead.
The Republican tradition is based on the idea of 'Uniting Catholic Protestant and Dissenter'. That's why SF attractes voters who support the integration of immigrants.
Yes, but Fianna Fáil are the inheritors of that tradition. The current iteration of Sinn Fein comes from a minority Northern Nationalist sectarian tradition. The majority of northern Nationalists voted DUP SDLP until the Shinners stabbed them in the back. The Shinners are the political wing of the Provisional IRA. The same people who ran the IRA now run Sinn Fein.
I agree the they need a new leader. The problem is that nobody actually knows who the real leader is. Some people who don’t think think that Mary Lou is the real leader. Those who do think know she isn’t.
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I see Clare Daly wearing a "Free Assange" t shirt at the count centre this evening and she turned down an interview with RTE, really bad form. Maybe a "Putin Free the Kidnapped Ukranian children" would be what she should be wearing. Assange was a cause celebre of the left a decade ago but who did Assange ultimately benefit with that release of secrets only Russia and China. Clare Daly is a fringe figure, its a wonder she ever got elected at all, she benfitted as a result of the financial crash whereby fringe left wing figures were catapulted into the mainstream