Rental property in pension


Registered User
Hi everyone,

Can anyone tell me how buying a property in a pension works. Seems a very attractive proposition but I'd love to hear from someone who's done it.

Is a 50% Ltv possible?

Can rents be invested into a vanguard etf?

How to pay for maintenance if its through a pension?

Currently have a non standard execution only PRSA with Davy and invest in a vanguard world etf.

The rents will need to go to servicing the loan (if you can find a lender), paying maintenance costs, paying the property manager and paying the pension provider. Unlikely to be anything left to invest in ETFs.

And don't forget it's not a sensible investment, unless part of a much larger overall portfolio.
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And now I have a vague notion that there may now be a restriction on investing more than 50% of a pension in property (or is that just for exec pensions?)
I have a property within my pension fund but it's not the only asset, nor should it be, as @Fortune points out.

Is a 50% Ltv possible?

Yes, at a maximum. Loan must be capital and interest and maximum term is the shorter of your retirement age or 15 years. I haven't looked at lending for one of these for several years. There used to be only one lender, Dilosk trading as ICS who lent to self-administered pensions and the rates were always a couple of percent higher than homeloan rates. Overall it's an awful lot easier, less risky and cheaper if you can buy without borrowing, even if that means holding on for a while until you have a bigger fund accumulated.

Can rents be invested into a vanguard etf?

You'll need to leave a certain amount of money in cash in a bank account of the pension fund to cover expenses (liquidity), but if there's enough free cash then yes you can invest in Vanguard ETFs.

How to pay for maintenance if its through a pension?

Must be billed to the pension fund and paid from the pension fund's bank account.

And now I have a vague notion that there may now be a restriction on investing more than 50% of a pension in property (or is that just for exec pensions?)

IORPS II did bring in a restriction on Occupational Pension Schemes (including Executive Pensions) investing no more than 50% of assets in unregulated investments (including property). This doesn't affect self-administered PRSAs, Personal Pensions, Buy-Out Bonds, ARFs etc.


I know a couple of people who borrowed through their pension fund and lost it all when property crashed.

The restrictions now make that a lot less likely. However, I really don't think that pensions should borrow at all other than maybe 10% or so to buy a particular property.

But even then, putting all your pension fund in just one asset? Do you really think that is a good idea? Maybe if you are 30 and will diversify your wealth over time into other assets.
