ARF vs buying annuity in current climate


New Member
As a 70 year old couple with one moderate annuity pension from work, one state pension( OAP) and one private ARF pension,we're wondering about converting the Irish Life ARF to an annuity. It's about €250k, reducing each year via withdrawal of 4%. We have no expertise in managing the ARF, but fear there will be very little or nothing left in later years, and at least there would be some guaranteed income with an annuity. Is it a good or bad time in current financial climate to look at buying an annuity?
This came up a few times recently.
Imputed distributions from an ARF actually increase to 5% from 70.

I think it’s fair to say that annuities represent a far better proposition today than they did a few years ago, particularly given your age.

Definitely worth a discussion with your broker.
Annuities have certainly become more attractive following the recent rise in interest rates. The attraction of Annuities is that they offer income certainty, but it does mean that you lose control of the capital sum.
If you buy a single life Annuity (based on one life only), you will certainly get an Annuity rate over 5% (more than the minimum drawdown from the ARF). If you go for a joint life Annuity the figures will be lower.
A important factor will be your state of health. If your health is good and family history is good, then an Annuity might be a reasonable bet. If not stick with the ARF.
If sticking with the ARF you need to consider your investment strategy. Investing in Cash (say) will generate a very low return and with a 5% drawdown, the net result will be a gradually reducing ARF pot. Taking a less conservative investment strategy might generate a better long term return but involves investment risk, which might or might not pay off.
You need to get professional advice and run the numbers.
Plus, annuities normally cease on death while an ARF can be inherited. The threads that I linked above go into a lot more detail on this and other relevant issues.
As a 70 year old couple with one moderate annuity pension from work, one state pension( OAP) and one private ARF pension,we're wondering about converting the Irish Life ARF to an annuity. It's about €250k, reducing each year via withdrawal of 4%. We have no expertise in managing the ARF, but fear there will be very little or nothing left in later years, and at least there would be some guaranteed income with an annuity. Is it a good or bad time in current financial climate to look at buying an annuity?
Thank you Clubman, I should have spotted those,forgive me, I'm a newbie here
@GSheehy previously posted this in another thread in case the annuity calculator linked there is of any use just for rough indicative purposes.
I think it’s fair to say that annuities represent a far better proposition today than they did a few years ago, particularly given your age.
Or have rates just adjusted upwards in line with greater expected inflation?

Is there better value in inflation-adjusted terms?

If there is I’d be keen to see it.
We did a quote yesterday for a client and Irish life were 0.268% less than the leading provider in the market.

€268pa more for life for every 100k of pension from shopping around
We did a quote yesterday for a client and Irish life were 0.268% less than the leading provider in the market.

€268pa more for life for every 100k of pension from shopping around
Just to be clear, I only linked to the post with the Irish Life annuity calculator because I believe that it's the only public one available and it was provided, as I stated, for rough indicative purposes. It wasn't an endorsement of Irish Life just in case anybody thought that it was.