Private pension pots


New Member
Looking for some advice, I'm sure like many others as I approach retirement in the next couple of years, I have 3 private pots from over the years.
2 of these are in Ireland €52,000 with Irish Life, and €27,000 with Construction Workers Pension Scheme. Both mature at 65.
From my time in the UK I have Phoenix Life investment made up of 2 parts
Former Protected Rights £18,000 available at 65
Normal Pot £19,000 at 66.
Should I bring all the pots together( can you transfer a pension pot from UK to here)
Should I take the tax free lump sum option, and am I allowed to do the same with the UK pot.
Thanks for any advice
Should I bring all the pots together
I can't address your other questions but on this one, only ever amalgamate pension policies into a single one if there are clear advantages in doing so. Bear in mind that having your pensions "fragmented" over different policies can actually be advantageous and offer flexibility such as the ability to retire different pension pots at different times.