Pay off foreign investment property


Registered User
I don’t think this is at money makeover level. I hope it is a simple query.

All other things sorted. (Home mortgage cleared and no credit card / car loans. Pension avc maxed and a few bob put away).

Does it make sense to pay off, each month adding additional amounts , to pay off a foreign rental property loan quicker than it is due to run?

The interest is allowable against tax.

As I see it I need to look at the interest rate. Then half it (more or less as tax @50%) and determine if that is an amount I’m happy to be getting as a return on the money.

Or am I missing something or indeed missing many things ?
Thank you
My theory is that debts are a good asset

In times of rising interest rates you're quids in having debt

The debt will decrease in value

The asset will increase in value
Double tax agreement. I pay tax there. I pay tax here. The tax man is doing better out of this than I am !