How to sell AIB shares where physical certs held


Registered User

I have small number of AIB shares, 10 which I have physical share cert. I want to crystalise losses to offset against capital gain that i will make later this year but how do i sell the shares.

I have a degiro account, but dont know if computershare can transfer the shares digitally for me to sell, not worried if it will cost say €50 as the tax saved on realising tbe losses be worth it, but dont really want to open account with Davys/Goodbodys as am sure would cost a lot if not going to be used afterwards.

Anyone give advice on how or where to sell, as its a pity Govt didnt allow the cost of the shares to be assumed to be lost, or even 99% of it as thats what happened and worse when 250 shares became 1 new one.
Does this help?
It's probably come up elsewhere too. Get Computershare to sell them for you.

Thanks redonion, I did search before posting and saw that posting, but thee was no answer on how to sell, there was a suggestion to ring the share register and how to get the cost of the shares sold, but nothing about how to sell and if can be transfered to degiro to sell that way.

Have logged a query with computershare so waiting n a reply, but experience on cheapest/best way to sell appreciated

I have small number of AIB shares, 10 which I have physical share cert. I want to crystalise losses to offset against capital gain that i will make later this year but how do i sell the shares.

I have a degiro account, but dont know if computershare can transfer the shares digitally for me to sell, not worried if it will cost say €50 as the tax saved on realising tbe losses be worth it, but dont really want to open account with Davys/Goodbodys as am sure would cost a lot if not going to be used afterwards.

Anyone give advice on how or where to sell, as its a pity Govt didnt allow the cost of the shares to be assumed to be lost, or even 99% of it as thats what happened and worse when 250 shares became 1 new one.
Just FYI, AIB did offer the opportunity to donate shares, via Computershare, to a charity at no cost (and to realise the massive losses). I don't know if that facility is still available though... might be worth following up.
Just FYI, AIB did offer the opportunity to donate shares, via Computershare, to a charity at no cost (and to realise the massive losses).
Donating to charity unfortunately does not create an allowable loss (if you had a gain, and donated to charity it doesn't create a tax charge, so the opposite applies).
Have logged a query with computershare so waiting n a reply, but experience on cheapest/best way to sell appreciated
I might have linked to the wrong thread, I'm pretty sure it came up before. I think they charge about 35 euro per trade.
I've similar in UK with another bank, and it'll cost me £40 to sell shares worth 30, but similar to yourself it crystallises a loss for me.