Need to reduce mortgage debt


Registered User
Age : 48, Partners Age: 48 , 3 kids (15, 11, 7)

Annual gross income from employment or profession: 130k

Annual gross income of spouse: €0

Monthly take-home pay : 6k
Rental income: 1600 per month

Type of employment: Private Sector

In general are you (a) spending more than you earn, or (b) saving?
Saving - 300k savings

Rough estimate of value of home: 400k

Amount outstanding on your mortgage: 328k

What interest rate are you paying? 2.25% tracker

Mortgage Expiry: January 2042

Mortgage Repayments: 1623 per month

Other borrowings car loans/personal loans etc. Mortgage on Investment Property
Rough estimate of value of home: 300k

Amount outstanding on your mortgage: 172k

What interest rate are you paying? 3.6%

Mortgage Expiry: August 2028

Mortgage Repayments: 522 per month (mortgage is on interest only)

Do you pay off your full credit card balance each month? yes

Do you have a pension scheme? Yes.

Mortgage protection : covered for death.
Life insurance: No other income protection

What specific question do you have or what issues are of concern to you?
I have a lot of mortgage debt and I plan to use a large portion my savings to reduce it. I was thinking of clearing the mortgage on the investment property and then using rent received (less tax and expenses) to pay down the mortgage on my home. I am thinking this might be the best approach as the interest rate on my home mortgage is lower. I think I could reduce the term to about 10-11 years with this approach.
However, I was wondering would it be more efficient to pay off a large portion of the home mortgage instead and then pay down the investment mortgage over time? I was thinking this might be better as I would be able to continue to offset the mortgage interest against the rental income.
I am not sure which of these is the best approach or if there are better options. I would appreciate any advice you may have.
Many thanks in advance.
A tracker of ECB +2.25% has some value but not a lot.

You can get an Avant mortgage at 1.95%, so that tracker is not great.
I don't think that there are any other considerations.

If you want to trade up at some stage, it might be better to have paid down your home loan as you will have more equity with which to trade up.

You have <60% LTV in the Buy to Let.

Could you get a lower interest rate if you reduced it to <50%? I doubt it, but it might be worth checking.
