335,000 civil and public servants

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Brendan Burgess

However demographic changes will place new demands on our staff.

A longer term vision required

Further workforce and office requirements.

Location of supports offices
I thought that the minister said "civil" but I might have misheard. The number did seem to be high to me.

Hi Protocol
You are correct

Finally, I am proud to be Minister for the Civil Service and want to pay tribute to all our civil
and public servants who do great work on behalf of our country and its citizens. The number
of public servants now stands at 335,594, an increase of 42,248 since 2014. Civil service
numbers have also increased during that period.

Demographic changes and the next wave of technological change will place new demands on
our key offices and Departments. The Civil Service of the future will be different in terms of
its skills mix, use of technology and geographical footprint. We are therefore developing a
longer term vision and strategy for the Civil Service.

As part of this future strategy I have asked my officials to review future workforce and office
requirements for our Civil Service and to report to me next year. This review will consider the
location of support offices and services to ensure consistency with the goals of Ireland 2040
and balanced regional development.
And there are roughly the same amount again in Northern Ireland which is absolutely bonkers!
and *we* still have 2,250 public servants in the HSE with no jobs all drawing more than 100k per annum each.
to put this in context, there are 5.36m public servants in the UK so the overall % per head of population is similar.
Waterford whispers news would be my first guess followed closely by the Dandy or the Beano.
Your like Candyman or Beetlejuice....except instead of the trigger being your name, if a poster says a bad word about the CS/PS, you magically appear :p
and *we* still have 2,250 public servants in the HSE with no jobs all drawing more than 100k per annum each.
when making statements such as this, it would be useful to include a link to the source of the information

Otherwise, it could be construed as an uninformed rant
“As part of this future strategy I have asked my officials to review future workforce and office requirements for our Civil Service and to report to me next year. This review will consider the location of support offices and services to ensure consistency with the goals of Ireland 2040 and balanced regional development.”

This appears to refer to the civil service rather than the wider public service.

It is about savings in office accommodation.

Due to technological advances some civil servants, perhaps those with long commutes, could work from lower cost office accommodation near where they live or could perhaps work from home.
an increase of 42,248 since 2014
an increase of 42,248 since 2014
an increase of 42,248 since 2014
AND Civil service numbers have also increased during that period

almost beyond comprehension. Say the 2,248 is an approximation of the headcount increase in an Garda Siochana. Does anybody have any idea exactlly what productive work the other 40,000 are doing on our behalf ?
None, because lead-times for services have lengthened, services levels have dropped and a heap of services once provided directly are now the responsibility of private-sector contractors. Technology mis-deployed has increased costs while failing to improve services and adding more people to support the technology. In most LAs technology deployment and IT implementation means adding Microsoft Word to a PC.
almost beyond comprehension. Say the 2,248 is an approximation of the headcount increase in an Garda Siochana. Does anybody have any idea exactlly what productive work the other 40,000 are doing on our behalf ?

More teachers and SNA due to growing pupil numbers.

Many more in health, I'd say if you check you'll see at least 10,000 more since the low point.
what did the public service ever do for us?
Stopped your house from burning down, kept you alive in intensive care, operated on your invasive cancer tumour, saved your life by resusitating you when you had a heart attack, provided care to your vunerable elderly parents, educated your children...etc etc. Take your pick of whatever applies. Public service workers are the back bone of any society and no society would function without them.
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