Can't get any tradesmen


Registered User
I've recently purchased a house and have to get a number of things done to it. I need a builder and an electrician amongs other things. A few people have come out had a look and said they'd get back to me. Weeks later no word from anyone, does no one want to work!

Rant over
I have had the same problem. Also with ordering large items from some companies. It's unreal.
I've recently purchased a house and have to get a number of things done to it. I need a builder and an electrician amongs other things. A few people have come out had a look and said they'd get back to me. Weeks later no word from anyone, does no one want to work!

Rant over

A generation of Irish tradesmen have no idea of customer service as they cut their teeth during the Celtic Bubble.
As a result they don’t appreciate the customer and their quality is third rate.
I have a very low opinion of Irish construction trades-people and it’s very rarely that I’m happy with the quality of work that Irish contractors carry out.
I have found their Polish and other Eastern European competition much better for punctuality and quality and I generally have a policy of not employing Irish tradesmen for building work.

Rant over :)
have to agree with you there purple, the eastern Europeans are far more reliable as tradespeople.
A generation of Irish tradesmen have no idea of customer service as they cut their teeth during the Celtic Bubble.
As a result they don’t appreciate the customer and their quality is third rate.
I have a very low opinion of Irish construction trades-people and it’s very rarely that I’m happy with the quality of work that Irish contractors carry out.
I have found their Polish and other Eastern European competition much better for punctuality and quality and I generally have a policy of not employing Irish tradesmen for building work.

Rant over :)

I would rather do the job myself than hire Irish and agree 100% about Polish and other Eastern European being much better.