Is Dervla Kirwan for real??

Betsy Og

Registered User
She's doing the family tree programme. Her grandfather was in the IRA in 1920, & Dervla goes, in all earnestness, "I'm hoping its not the same IRA I heard about growing up".

Please tell me she's hamming this up for a UK audience, she couldnt be that bleedin' daft?, could she????
Sounds like a soundbite for foreign consumption. What do they say about TV shaving x% off your IQ?
Had to laugh at that really, especially the bit about how the 1920's IRA's aims were to get the Brits out of Ireland, which differs completely to the 1970's IRA whose main aim was to ... umm
She's doing the family tree programme. Her grandfather was in the IRA in 1920, & Dervla goes, in all earnestness, "I'm hoping its not the same IRA I heard about growing up".

Please tell me she's hamming this up for a UK audience, she couldnt be that bleedin' daft?, could she????

How in the name of God did she not know her Grandfather was in the IRA?

As mentioned above,probably playing it dumb for the English territory.

She should grow a backbone most people rightly view the old IRA as patriots, who if not for their sacrifice and bravery we would likely see the Union flag fluttering over the GPO to this day.
According to Wikipedia, she is a great grand daughter of Margaret Collins - O'Driscoll who was a sister of Michael Collins!

Be quite surprised if she didn't know that!
How in the name of God did she not know her Grandfather was in the IRA?

As mentioned above,probably playing it dumb for the English territory.

UK TV is the main market for her getting and keeping work. Appearing on a programme such as this is about maintaining a profile, not curiousity about her family's history.

The average British person on their couch watching this programme would not be aware of any differences between the IRA she was referring to and the IRA of recent memory. It's in her interests to react like she did. Who would want a 'customer' to reach a conclusion that her grandfather was the 1920s equivalent of [REDACTED] ?

And, what The_Banker posted ?

+1916 :D !
That programme on RTE was on before, a repeat. How can someone not be exactly aware of how they are related to MC. The new series is on BBC1 wednesdays. I always thought that Dervla appeared in Blackeyes ( Dennis Potter ) back in the 80's, but on checking, I am mistaken, its a different actress.