An hospital parking experience.


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Tonight, while visiting someone in hospital, I noticed that a car without a disabled parking permit was parked in a disabled parking space. The way he had parked stopped a car parking in the adjacent space, unless the driver and passenger were going to exit by the sunroof!

The driver had left a note on the dash saying "Garda on duty till 11pm in the hospital".

The motor tax disc expired January 2013 ( I double checked it was 1-13 not 4-13).

I found this rather annoying as we pay our bills and obey the law.
Did you report it?

As for hospital parking experiences, I recently had the pleasure of having to attend crumlim children's hospital. Took me 30 mins to find street parking because the car park was full. Thank God out new children's hospital will be built any day now............ Yet another Government promise that seems be falling by the wayside.
One law for us one law for them

Just look at harcourt street or pearse street gardai stations!
It may not have been a Garda at all - I know an unscrupulous person who puts all sorts of notes in their car window, including being a Garda, Doctor etc., to avoid paying for parking!
I called once to a hospital to visit a friend who had been ill. There was a big car parked carelessly at the door of the hospital, blocking an ambulance entry point. At the time, I wondered why the hospital porters hadn't had it towed away or at least clamped. I proceeded by it and went to reception. The receptionist told me I couldn't see my friend as he was "in treatment". I went home.

The next morning I learned that my friend had undergone emergency surgery to save his life and that the car parked at the hospital door had been the surgeon's car. He has rushed there at very short notice to attend to my friend.

Lesson learned.
Well here's hoping the garda who parked in the disabled spot wasn't performing surgery, life-saving or otherwise!
The next morning I learned that my friend had undergone emergency surgery to save his life and that the car parked at the hospital door had been the surgeon's car. He has rushed there at very short notice to attend to my friend.


How come there wasn't a surgeon available in the hospital :(. That story sounds crazy to me (As you know I don't doubt you however)
How come there wasn't a surgeon available in the hospital :(. That story sounds crazy to me (As you know I don't doubt you however)

It's not crazy. It happened in Cavan General Hospital. (I presume every hospital has a hierarchy of surgeons, with some surgeons specialising in particular types of surgery - that's why you won't get a heart surgeon if you need a liver surgeon. ) The surgeon I referred to was a particularly experienced specialist and this was a complicated emergency operation that saved someone's life.